2013年10月30日,中国第一所网络文学大学(online literature university)成立。诺贝尔文学奖得主(Nobel Literature Prize Laureate)莫言担任名誉校长(honorary principal).该大

admin2016-09-17  32

问题     2013年10月30日,中国第一所网络文学大学(online literature university)成立。诺贝尔文学奖得主(Nobel Literature Prize Laureate)莫言担任名誉校长(honorary principal).该大学由多家网络文学网站共同创建,邀请各大文学网站的作家和编辑担任教员。网络文学大学的建立旨在为文学爱好者提供免费的培训,帮助他们尽快走上职业道路。学员足不出户就能通过网络在家接受文学知识培训。预计每年将约有10万名学员从中受益。


答案 China’s first online literature university was established on Oct. 30, 2013. The Nobel Literature Prize Laureate Mo Yan is acting as honorary principal. It was built jointly by many online literature websites. Writers and editors from major literature websites were invited to be teachers for the university. The university aims to offer free framing for literature lovers and help them start their career as soon as possible. Learners can receive literature training online without stepping out of their houses. About 100 thousand learners are expected to benefit from the training every year.

解析 1.第1句“……大学成立”为没有被动标识词的被动句,翻译时应使用被动语态,可译为…university was established。句首的时间状语“2013年10月30日”按英语表达习惯置于句末,译作on Oct.30,2013。
2.第3句“该大学由……共同创建,邀请……担任教员”实则包含两个意义区别较大的句子,把它们拆译成两个句子能使意义的表达更清楚明了。其中,“该大学由……共同创建”中的“由”为被动语态标识词,故该句应译为It was jointly built by…。“邀请……担任教员”如果承前增译主语it,该句直译为it invites…,则不符合英语表达习惯,宜将原句中的宾语“作家和编辑”转换为主语,作为受动者,全句转换成被动语态,译作Writers and editors…were invited to be…。
3.第4句“网络文学大学的建立旨在……”实际上说的是建立网络大学的目的,翻译时无需译成theestablishment of the university aims to…,可省译“建立”一词,直接译作the university aims to…,表达简单、地道。“为……提供免费的培训”和“帮助他们……”是该大学的两个目的,翻译时可处理成两个并列的谓宾结构,即offer free training for…and help them…。
4.最后一句若逐字对译为It is expected that there will be about 100 thousand learners benefitingfrom the training every year,会使译文显得繁冗、生硬,不如将“约有10万名学员”处理成主语,译为About 100 thousand learners are expected to benefit from…,这样更简洁。
