Over the past 50 years, technology has changed the fishing industry dramatically. Today, the romantic, rugged individual fisherm

admin2012-07-13  49

问题     Over the past 50 years, technology has changed the fishing industry dramatically. Today, the romantic, rugged individual fisherman is as threatened a species as the cod and tuna that once swarmed into his nets. This is the cumulative result of more sophisticated fishing gear, more powerful boat engines and a lack of regard for local fishing environments by the multinational enterprises that have come to dominate this business.
    There are about 30 million professional fishermen worldwide, but 50 percent of the fish caught at sea are captured by only 1 percent of the boats, notes Xavier Pastor, European vice-president for Oceans, a non-profit international advocacy group for the world’s oceans. " Industrialized fishing is leading to the disappearance of the small fisherman," he observes, with concomitant damage to both fish stock and to local economies and social structures.
    "Some fleets are just too big," Pastor says. "They are very efficient at taking the last fish in an area, then they move on to something else. "
    This transformation has led to a global fishing crisis that is endangering most of the planet’s commercial stocks. Oceans reports that industrial fishing worldwide yields between 80 million and 100 million tons of fish, but it also generates 27 million tons of discards (marine organisms thrown back into the water after they have been caught), causing negative effects on the ecosystem that will last for decades.
    According to the Food and Agricultural Organization, the commercial productivity of the oceans is at an all-time low, with 75 percent to 80 percent of the world’s major fisheries overexploited, fully exploited or recovering from depletion.
    "We are not anti-fishing," emphasizes Pastor. "Fishing is important. We want to make sure that future generations can do the same. "


答案 50年来,技术的发展使渔业生产发生了巨大的变化。昔日那种带有浪漫色彩的健壮的个体渔民,如今已很少见到,犹如鳕鱼、金枪鱼过去成群地往渔网里钻,现在却濒临绝迹了。这都是由于捕鱼的设备更先进了,船上的引擎功率更大了,再加上逐渐控制了这一行业的跨国公司不顾当地的渔业资源而造成的结果。 全世界专门从事捕鱼的人约有3000万,在海上捕捞的鱼,有50%是由只占1%的渔船捕获的。这是“护海会”欧洲部副主任查维尔?派斯特提供的信息。“护海会”是一个保护世界海洋的非赢利性国际机构。派斯特说:“工业化的捕捞方式正使得小规模经营的渔民趋于消失,”而这不仅危害渔业资源,而且破坏了当地的经济和社会结构。 派斯特说:“有些船队实在太大了。他们的效率很高,能把一个地区的鱼全部捕光,一条都不剩,然后他们就干别的去了。” 捕捞方式的这一变化造成了全球性的渔业危机,正在危害世界上大部分商品渔业资源。“护海会”的报告指出,工业化捕捞方式虽然能在全世界捕鱼8000万至一亿吨;却同时也制造垃圾(即捕捞后又扔回水中的海洋生物)2700万吨,这给生态系统带来的负面影响,几十年都无法消除。 据联合国粮农组织称,海洋的商品生产率目前正处于最低点,因为世界主要渔场有75%一80%不是过度捕捞,就是饱和捕捞,或处于恢复状态。 派斯特强调说:“我们不是反对捕鱼。捕鱼是一项重要活动。我们只希望保证使我们的后代也有鱼可捕。”

