父与子 父亲拦住背起书包的儿子,“今天别去上学了,跟我下地撒化肥去。”见儿子不悦,父亲瞪起了眼,“我一个大字不识,不也照样长这么大!” 儿子拎起化肥袋子,忿忿地。转眼,把化肥都倒进了垃圾桶。 父亲大惊:“你怎么……” 儿子从

admin2013-05-19  36

问题                                 父与子


答案 Father & Son A boy was throwing on his satchel when his father stopped him. "Don’t go to school today," his father said. "Come with me to the fields and lend a hand in spreading fertilizer." Seeing the displeasure in his offspring’s face, the old man glowered at his junior and said, "I don’t know no Chinese character. Ain’t I growed up? The son picked up the bag of fertilizer resentfully and in the twinkling of an eye poured all of the contents into a dustbin. "What the hell …" the illiterate man shouted, flabbergasted. "Without the fertilizer the crop will grow all the same. Isn’t it?" the son answered unhurriedly.

解析     本篇选自《报刊文摘》,作者阎耀明,是一篇微型小说,表面上批评的是一个文盲农民,实际上批评的是所有无视知识的重要、急功近利的人。文学翻译,特别是小说翻译时,讲究语言性格化,即根据故事情节,适当调整人物的对话,使人物言语符合人物性格。翻译“父亲”这个形象时,要突出他大老粗的形象,应使译文传达出“文盲言语味”。
父与子:题目译为“Father&Son”,不加冠词,英语中成对使用的名词不加冠词,如“paper and pen,cup and saucer”。
父亲拦住背起书包的儿子:按照原文语序,可译为“the father stopped his son who was shouldering his schoolbag”。但似乎不够活灵活现,可以适当调整句子结构,制造一些悬念,即儿子像平常一样背起书包,就在那时父亲拦住了他:  “A boy was throwing On his satchel when his father stopped him.”。
父亲瞪起了眼:  “stare”用在此处不恰当,因为“stare”仅仅表示“睁大眼睛盯着看”,而不表示“怒目而视”,可使用“glare”或“glower”。英文还需要增补“朝谁”瞪起了眼,即“glare/glower at sb.”。
我一个大字不识,不也照样长这么大!:这一句充分体现了父亲大老粗的形象,建议使用英美人中文盲使用的语言来塑造这一形象——“I don’t know no Chinese character.Ain’t I growed up?”在非标准英语中,双重否定不等于肯定,  “ain’t”可以是“am/is/are/has/have not”。  “grow”的过去分词应该是不规则变化“grown”,故意使用“growed”来突出文盲的用语不规范。
你怎么……:父亲惊得话都说不出来,可以译为“What the hell/fuck…”,突出粗人的气愤。
