
admin2013-05-19  40

问题     船在树下泊了片刻,岸上很湿,我们没有上去。朋友说这里是“鸟的天堂”,有许多只鸟在这棵树上做窝,农民不许人捉它们。我仿佛听见几只鸟扑翅的声音,但是等到我的眼睛注意地看那里时,我却看不见一只鸟的影子。只有无数的树根立在地上,像许多根木桩。地是湿的,大概涨潮时河水常常冲上岸去,。“鸟的天堂”里没有一只鸟,我这样想道。船开了,一个朋友拨着船,缓缓地流到河中间去。


答案 Our boat slowed to a halt under the tree and stopped there for a moment. We did not get off to the bank as it was wet there. My friends said the tree was a "paradise" for the birds; many birds had nested in it and peasants would not allow anyone to catch them. I seemed to have heard the sound of some birds flapping their wings, but when I turned to look I could not see any one there. Instead there were numerous roots standing on the ground like wood stakes. The ground was wet, probably washed by the tides. "Birds’ Paradise", but there were no birds in it, I wondered. Our boat, poled by a friend, moved on and glided toward the middle of the river.

解析     巴金在陈洪有、陈毓就、叶渠均、梁朝令等朋友的陪同下,划船游了“雀墩”,看见无数小鸟在一棵榕树上漫天飞舞的奇景,回到上海后写了散文《鸟的天堂》。该文最初在上海的《文学》月刊上发表,后收录到巴金的《旅途随笔》中,现在已于1978年开始编入我国小学语文课本中。
岸上很湿,我们没有上去:  “我们没有上去”是指“我们没有到岸上去”,此处需要增补这一概念,使得译文更加流畅,可译为:“We did not get off to the bank as it was wet there.”。
扑翅:“(鸟儿)扑翅”译为“flapping their wings”,请注意代词的使用。如:那白鹭振翅向湖对岸慢慢飞去。(The heron flapped slowly off across the lake.)。
地是湿的,大概涨潮时河水常常冲上岸去:注意中英文行文的差异,  “涨潮时河水常常冲上岸去”,实指“潮水常常冲上岸去”,即“常常被潮水冲刷”,故可译为:“The ground was wet,probably washed by the tides.”。
一个朋友拨着船:  “pole”可作动词,英语释义是“push(a boat,etc)along by using a pole”,即“用杆、篙、杖等撑(船等)”。如:他用篙撑方头平底船逆流而上。(He poled a punt up the river),故可译为“poled by a friend”。
