近年来中国经济增长很快,而污染和排放(emission)问题也同样惊人。中国已是全球最大的二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)排放国。最大污染源是煤炭。中国煤炭消耗量约占全球的五分之二,并以每年约10%的速度增长。好消息是中国政府正开始发起低碳行动,这

admin2020-03-13  68

问题    近年来中国经济增长很快,而污染和排放(emission)问题也同样惊人。中国已是全球最大的二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)排放国。最大污染源是煤炭。中国煤炭消耗量约占全球的五分之二,并以每年约10%的速度增长。好消息是中国政府正开始发起低碳行动,这将推动其未来的增长、发展和能源安全(energy security)目标。政府还制定了雄心勃勃的可再生能源利用目标:希望在2020年前,约20%的电力需求由风能和太阳能来满足。


答案 Recently, China’s economy grows very fast. However, its pollution and emission problems are also surprising. China has already been the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide. The chief source of pollution is coal. China consumes about two-fifths of the world’s coal at a growth rate of about 10 percent a year. The good news is that China’s government is beginning to start a low carbon action which will power its future growth, development and energy security objectives. The government has also set an ambitious goal for using renewable energy, hoping that by 2020 about 20 percent of electricity needs will be met by wind and solar.

