武术(Chinese martial arts)是中华民族一项宝贵的文化遗产,在我国具有悠久的历史。它最早出现在商朝,是一种军事训练手段,具有明显的技击特性。在长期的历史演进过程中,受古代哲学、医学、美学(aesthetics)等方面的渗透和影响,武术已成

admin2017-08-27  39

问题     武术(Chinese martial arts)是中华民族一项宝贵的文化遗产,在我国具有悠久的历史。它最早出现在商朝,是一种军事训练手段,具有明显的技击特性。在长期的历史演进过程中,受古代哲学、医学、美学(aesthetics)等方面的渗透和影响,武术已成为了一种独具民族风格的练功方法和运动形式。它不仅有健身和技击的价值,而且富有浓郁的艺术色彩。坚持练习武术,既能锻炼体魄和意志,又能提高自身的修养和审美能力,所以中国武术至今仍受到广泛的喜爱。


答案 Chinese martial arts is a valuable cultural heritage of the Chinese nation with a long history in our country. It first appeared in the Shang Dynasty and was a means of military training with a significant martial characteristic. In the long process of historical evolution, through the infiltration and influence of ancient philosophy, medicine, aesthetics and other aspects, martial arts has become a practice method and a form of exercise with a unique national style. It has not only fitness and martial values, but also a color of art. Keeping practicing martial arts not only trains body and will, but also improves one’s cultivation and aesthetic ability, that is why Chinese martial arts is still widely loved nowadays.

