
admin2019-10-05  19

问题 芙蓉镇街面不大。十几家铺子、几十户住家紧紧夹着一条青石板街。铺子和铺子是那样的紧密,以至一家煮狗肉,满街闻香气:以至谁家娃儿跌跤碰脱牙、打了碗,街坊邻里心中都有数;以至姐妹家的私房话,年轻夫妻的打情骂俏,都常常被隔壁邻居听了去,传为一镇的秘闻趣事,笑料谈资。偶尔某户人家弟兄内讧,夫妻斗殴,整条街道便会骚动起来,人们往来奔走,相告相劝,如同一河受惊的鸭群,半天不得平息。


答案These shops were so packed together that if one of them stewed dogmeat, the aroma filled the whole street; if some child fell and knocked out a tooth or smashed a bowl, the whole street knew of it; neighbours often overheard secret words girls confided to each other and amorous jokes between young married couples, then regaled the whole town with these titbits. If brothers fell out or husband and wife came to blows, the whole place got in a turmoil as all rushed to intercede and it would be quite some time before they calmed down, just like a startled flock of wild ducks.

解析 1.本段选自文学作品,叙述某一历史时期所发生的事情,故宜选用一般过去时为总体时态。
2.对于几个四字结构,翻译时不应拘泥于原文的形式,可以采用意译法。“弟兄内讧,夫妻斗殴”可译成fightsbetween brothers and brawls between married couple;“骚动起来”可译get tremulous或get in aturmoil;“往来奔走,相告相劝”可译成rush to help make peace或to intercede。
