
admin2021-08-09  25

问题     我不动声色地写,默默享受着这小家伙亲近的情意。这样,它完全放心了。索性用那涂了蜡似的、角质的小红嘴,“嗒嗒”啄着我颤动的笔尖。我用手抚一抚它细腻的绒毛,它也不怕,反而友好地啄两下我的手指。(有一次,它居然跳进我的空茶杯里,隔着透明光亮的玻璃瞅我。它不怕我突然把杯口捂住。是的,我不会。)


答案 I wrote on, undistracted, enjoying in silence the friendliness of the small creature. By now it seemed to trust me completely. What happened next was that it started pecking at the nib of the pen with its wax-like hard beak. I gently stroked its soft fluff and it was very well received. To show its intimacy toward me, it pecked at my fingers a couple of times. Once it even got into my empty cup, eyeing me through the transparent glass. It was not worried that I should put my hand over the cup and smother it inside. No, I would never do that. During the day it kept me company joyfully. When it turned dark, it would return to the cage at the repeated calls of its parents, waggling its small plump body inside through the leaves.

解析 背景介绍
-  我不动声色地写,默默享受着这小家伙亲近的情意:该句中的“不动声色”是人物的状态体现,在翻译时,可用过去分词undistracted作后置定语,修饰前一个动作发生时的状态。这样做可以保留句子的整体感。该句可译为:I wrote on,undistracted,enjoying in silence the friendliness of the small creature.
-  索性用那涂了蜡……颤动的笔尖:根据上下文,此句是小鸟在经历了前文所描述的内容后才进行的下一个动作。因此此句与上一句是按时间顺序发生的两个事物,应在译文中有所体现。What happened next was that it started pecking at the nib of the pen with its wax-like hard beak.
-  是的,我不会:英语和汉语的习惯相异,英语要顺着提问者的内容是肯定或否定,来确定使用yes或no,以此保证前后表达的一致性。考生应多了解英汉不同的表达习惯,减少在译文中出现低级的表达错误。这个部分可以译为:No,I would never do that.
-  飞向笼子,扭动滚圆的身子,挤开那些绿叶钻进去:此处可把三个动宾短句合并成一句,译文显得简洁、明晰。该句可译为:When it turned dark,it would return to the cage at the repeated calls of its parents,waggling its small plump body inside through the leaves.
