在十二世纪及随后的几个世纪中,练金术在欧洲得到广泛的研究,并引起许多有学问的人的注意 .虽然他们制造金子的种种尝试注定了是要失败的,但是他们的工作却使许多新的化学知识和实验方法得以发展。然而后来欧洲的许多炼金术士却是十足的骗子,他们施展各种诡计诈骗那些信以

admin2013-06-12  36

问题     在十二世纪及随后的几个世纪中,练金术在欧洲得到广泛的研究,并引起许多有学问的人的注意 .虽然他们制造金子的种种尝试注定了是要失败的,但是他们的工作却使许多新的化学知识和实验方法得以发展。然而后来欧洲的许多炼金术士却是十足的骗子,他们施展各种诡计诈骗那些信以主真的人因而练金术也就场名扫地。到了十六世纪前半期,炼金术士的目标已经由制造黄金为制造药物了。他们特别是要寻求一种名为“长生不老”的奇异物质。一种能治百病的灵丹妙药。而且有些人认为事实将证明这种灵丹妙药和"哲人之石"是同一物质。化学的这个阶段差不多一直延续到1700年。


答案 Alchemy was studied widely in Europe during the twelfth and following centuries,and attracted the attention of many learned men.Though they were doomed to fail in their attempts to make gold,their work led to the growth of a great deal of new chemical knowledge and of methods of making experiments.Many of the later European alchemists, however,were complete frauds who preyed upon trusting people by all sorts of tricks,and the subject fell into disrepute.By the first half of the sixteenth century,the aim of the alchemists had changed from the making of gold to the making of medicines.In particular they sought a fanciful substance called“the elixir of life",a powerful medicine which was to cure all ills,and which some people thought would turn out to be the same substance as the philosopher’s stone".This phase of chemistry lasted till about 1700.

