以开放创新扩大区域经济合作 有哲人说过,当问题出现的时候,不能用曾经制造问题的办法去解决它。老问题的解决,不能再从对抗、仇恨、封闭中谋答案;新问题的应对,更要在对话、协商、合作中找出路。我们要吸取历史经验,运用时代智慧,寻求各方利益的最大公约数。人类

admin2018-08-11  37

问题    以开放创新扩大区域经济合作


答案 Increase Regional Economic Cooperation through Opening-up and Innovation A philosopher once observed that we cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them Indeed. Old problems can no longer be solved by clinging to the outdated mindset of confrontation, hatred and isolation. Dialogue, consultation and cooperation must be explored to find solutions to new problems. It is important that we draw lessons from history, and pool our collective wisdom to maximize the convergence of interests among countries. Fortunately, in time of hardship and trial, mankind has always been able to find the courage to get out of the predicament and move ahead through change and innovation. In a world of diverse civilizations, we should all seek to live in harmony. In a world facing volatile economic situation, we should all work to promote opening-up and innovation. We need to act along the trend of our time, firmly advance free trade, resolutely reject protectionism, and actively expand regional economic cooperation. We need to build global value chains, and seize the opportunity of a new technological revolution. While the international community agrees on the importance of macro-policies to the economy, they also recognize the urgency to go ahead with structural reform. Structural reform must be carried through no matter how difficult it is, as it is an effective way to foster conditions conducive to global innovation and bring about new momentum for global development.

