A new survey shows that social networks have become a hotbed of offensive words and name calling. Is social networking making us

admin2021-08-06  40

问题     A new survey shows that social networks have become a hotbed of offensive words and name calling. Is social networking making us rude? The following are opinions about this issue. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly the opinions;
    2. give your comment.
    Mario Canseco (vice-president, public affairs at Insights West)
    Technology was blamed by more than 80 percent of people surveyed by Insights West as the cause of our growing incivility, making it the No. 2 reason that people think we are becoming less civil to each other.
    When we didn’t have this type of technology, we seemed to get along much better. We were probably saying good morning to the guy at the coffee shop. Instead we’re hidden behind our cellphones and other gadgets, tweeting, posting, texting and SnapChatting with our virtual friends while ignoring the world around us. Or worse—letting the door slam in their face.
Dr. Joti Samra (adjunct professor in psychology at Simon Fraser University)
    When we’re not face-to-face, there is much lost in our interactions. The predominant component of our communication is non-verbal. It could be the tone of our voice, body posture, or other signals that can only be picked up when we are talking, not texting, tweeting or interacting online. Added to that is the speed and brevity of texts and online posts. In the Twitter age we are communicating a message in 140 characters. We are losing the art of conversation, we’re learning to communicate in very short sound bites. All of these factors can contribute to incivility and disrespect.
Erinne Paisley (16, user of several social softwares)
    When you’re on social media you’re not saying something to a person’s face, so it’s a lot easier to be rude. I don’t think we can blame social media for people’s rudeness. It’s not like those thoughts are created from social media but they are voiced through social media, which gives an easier platform to voice those thoughts.
Peter Chow-White (communication professor from Simon Fraser University)
    Social media just give us a forum to show our true colours. I bet people who are jerks online are jerks in real life. It says more about the personality than it does about the communication itself. Rather than being separate from the way people behave in real life, online behaviour only reflects attitudes that are now more hidden. But social media give more avenues for people to express meanness, absolutely. People’s perception that technology and social media are eroding our civility also reflects the fact that the technological changes are still fairly new to us.
Naima Salemohamed (a student at the University of Victoria)
    When it comes to our obsession with technology, behaviours that once might have been considered rude are now the norm. If you are sitting in a class at university and texting or using your phone, nobody is going to say anything to you, it has just become the norm. We are so attached to technology—I don’t think it’s us being rude, it’s just how the culture has become.


答案 Social Networks: the Source of Incivility? A hotly debated topic centers on whether the development of online social networks are eroding our civility, making people rude and disrespectful to others. Some are convinced that social networks should bear the blame for people’s rudeness and indifference. Others consider it just a platform that reveals people’s true attitude. There are also people who take a different perspective and argue that it’s the technology that has reshaped the standard of rudeness in our culture. All the above views are justifiable to a certain extent. Personally, I don’t think social networks should bear all the blame, yet it’s true that people are overly obsessed with the virtual world, thus showing less concern and respect to people around. People with good manners and those who lack respect to others are present at all times. It has more to do with education than with the influence of new technologies. If a person is polite and considerate in real life, he/she is most likely to remain so when chatting or tweeting online. On the other hand, for a person who doesn’t behave properly in everyday life, no one would expect him/her to show good manners on social media either. So it is unreasonable to have social networks fully shoulder the blame for the eroding civility among people. However, hardly can anyone assert that social media are not changing anything. The advanced social networks bring unprecedented convenience to modern life. But as we become increasingly dependent on social networks, we also tend to neglect people around us. When we are busy posting the latest news on Face-book, we don’t care if our families are waiting to know how our life goes at school. When we sit in a coffee shop, staring at the screen of our cell pones and chatting with friends while giggling, we hardly notice anyone around us who would otherwise like to say hi or make an exchange of friendly smiles. In conclusion, social networks are not the root, but one reason that leads to the increasing indifference among people. We should learn to enjoy the convenience of modern technology, while trying to offset its disadvantages.

解析     材料给出了五个人对“网络是否让人们的言行变得粗鲁”这一话题的不同看法。前两个人赞同“网络让人们的言行变得粗鲁”。而后三个人反对这种说法。
    赞同者认为技术是人们变得日益粗鲁的原因(the cause of our growing incivility),让我们无视周围的世界(ignoring the world around us);人们缺少面对面的互动,交流就会失去非语言(non-verbal)因素如语调,身体语言等其他信号的辅助,取而代之的是在线交流的回复速度(speed)和简洁度(brevity),这让我们丧失了谈话的艺术(losing the art of conversation)。
    反对者认为人们的确变得缺少礼貌和尊重,但并非社交网络造成(not like those thoughts are created from social media),粗鲁与否是由个人修养(personality)决定;社交网络只是给人们提供了一个发出自己的声音的平台(an easier platform to voice those thoughts.),反映出人们隐藏的态度(only reflects attitudes that are now more hidden);甚至还有人认为现在人们的行为举止不算是粗鲁,这只是体现了社会行为准则的变迁而已(just how the culture has become)。
