
admin2021-05-10  14

问题     去年十一月四日,我到了纽约,这是世界上最大的城市之一。傍晚,我住进了曼哈顿区的一家旅馆,地处纽约最繁华的市区。夜晚,我漫步在银行、公司、商店、事务所密集的街头。高楼耸立夜空,像陡峻的山峰;墙壁是透明的玻璃,好像水晶宫。五颜六色的街灯闪闪烁烁,远远近近,高高低低,时隐时现。走在路上,就像浮游在布满繁星的天空。


答案On 4th last November, I arrived in New York, one of the world’s greatest metropolitan cities. In the evening I stayed in a hotel in Manhattan which was located in the busiest part of New York. At night I took a stroll along the street which was crowded with banks, companies, department stores and agencies. The high buildings rising against the night sky looked like precipitous cliffs. The walls, made of transparent glass, were like a world of crystal palace. The colourful street lamps twinkled far and near, high and low, distinctive and dim. I walked along the street as though floating in the sky with millions of stars around.

解析 1.本文选自丁玲的散文《曼哈顿街头夜景》,描绘了纽约曼哈顿车水马龙的繁华景象,属于一般的文学作品。全文共有五句话,句子结构不算复杂,基本没有生僻词汇和专业词汇。
2.第一句由三个分旬组成,第三个分句“这是世界上最大的城市之一”是对纽约的解释说明,可译为同位语one of the world’s greatest metropolitan cities。
3.第二句中“住进了”可译为stayed in,“地处纽约最繁华的市区”指出了旅馆的地点,可译为定语从句,修饰hotel。
4.第三句出现多个并列名词“银行”“公司”“商店”和“事务所”修饰“街头”,为避免头重脚轻的现象,可将这些名词后置,利用定语从句表达,译为which was crowded with banks,companies,department storesand agencies。
5.第四句话包括两个分句,运用了比喻的修辞格将高楼比作山峰、墙壁比作水晶宫,此处可按这两个比喻进行拆译。“陡峻的山峰”可译为precipitous cliffs,“水晶宫”译为a world of crystal palace。
6.第五句中出现四个四字词语描述街灯的景象,“闪闪烁烁”是指灯发光的动作,可译作谓语动词twinkled,“远远近近,高高低低,时隐时现”都是描绘灯光,可用形容词短语后置译为far and near,high and low,distinctive and dim。
7.最后一句描写了行走在曼哈顿大街的感受。原文缺少主语,可按文意补出主语I。本句使用了比喻的修辞格,可用as though引导方式状语从句。“浮游在布满繁星的天空”译为floating in the sky with millions ofstars around。
