The following two excerpts are about flips, a reversal of the traditional teaching method and a new kind of online teaching. Fro

admin2018-12-11  30

问题    The following two excerpts are about flips, a reversal of the traditional teaching method and a new kind of online teaching. From the excerpts, you can find the merits of flips as an effective teaching method, but there have been doubt and criticism about this new learning method.
   Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should:
   1.   summarize the advantages and disadvantages of flips, and then
   2.   express your opinion towards this issue, especially whether flips or any other online learning is better than the traditional one.
   Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
   Write your article on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
   Excerpt 1
   Recently, a reversal of the traditional teaching methods—with lecturing done outside class time and tutoring (or " homework" ) during it—is becoming more and more popular. Called " the flip" , this method is revolution in itself. For although only a handful of classes in American public-school districts tried the method in the last school year, many other schools, private and public, are now expressing interest, and the methodology is spreading.
   Indeed, philanthropists such as Bill Gates have such high hopes for the new method that they have given money to Khan Academy, a tiny non-profit organization. This means that more than 2,400 video lectures, on anything from arithmetic and finance to chemistry and history, will remain free for anybody.
   If Khan Academy were merely about those online lectures, of course, it would be in good but large company. Increasingly, teachers, professors and other experts make their talks available online; on iTunes, YouTube or university websites. Some, such as Michael Sandel at Harvard with his philosophy lectures, have become minor celebrities. More and more sites exist purely to spread learning—some free, such as AcademicEarth. org; others not, such as The Great Courses, com.
   Watching lectures online, or on a smartphone or iPad on the go, has advantages, as Mr Khan has discovered from the huge number of comments he gets on his site. Children (or adults, for that matter) need no longer feel ashamed when they have to review part or all of a lecture several times. So they can advance at their own pace.
   Excerpt 2
                        Look at the Other Side of Electronic Education
   Lectures, whether online or in the flesh, whether in the form of the recently popularized "flip" play only a limited role in education. Research shows that the human brain accepts new concepts largely through constant recall while interacting socially. This suggests that good teaching must "de-emphasize lecture and emphasize active problem-solving," says Carl Wieman, a winner of the Nobel Prize in physics.
   To Khan Academy’s fans, the flip helps to do just that. As a tool, Khan Academy individualizes teaching and makes it interactive and fun. Maths " is social now," says Kami Thordarson, as the 10-year-olds in the 5th-grade class she teaches at Santa Rita Elementary School huddle round their laptops to solve arithmetic problems as though they were trading baseball cards or marbles.
   However, the system has its detractors. First, it may not be much use beyond "numerate" subjects such as maths and the sciences; Khan Academy does have a few history offerings, but they are less convincing than the huge number of maths and science ones. Second, even in these subjects Khan Academy implicitly reinforces the "sit-and-get" philosophy of teaching, thinks Frank Noschese, a high-school physics teacher in New York. That is, it still "teaches to the test", without necessarily engaging pupils more deeply. Worse, says Mr Noschese, Khan Academy’s deliberate "gamification" of learning—all those cute and addictive "meteorite badges"—may have the "disastrous consequence" of making pupils mechanically repeat lower-level exercises to win awards, rather than formulating questions and applying concepts.


答案 Flips or Not? Recently, the teaching methodology " flip", a kind of online education mode, becomes popular. Defenders say that flip classes make access to education easier and cheaper (some classes are free) in addition to the fact that learners can adjust their study at their own pace. However, opponents argue that flips can only encompass limited subjects and they lack both the social interaction and deep engagement with students. Besides, the deliberate gamification of learning may mislead students only into winning awards rather than make real progress. Just as smart uniforms and pompous teaching utilities do not ensure a fruitful class, so do the newly-baked methodologies such as flip, MOOCs or Rain Class. Innovative though these teaching methods appear, what lies at the core of education is not to impart knowledge about problem-solution in subjects nor to improve students’ grades to a stellar height. It is the encouragement or rather enlightenment of innate passion for life in general and knowledge in particular that we should trigger off in the long yet inspirational study life. Flip, like many other breeds of online education, is effective in some aspects. Firstly, it reduces the barriers for some disadvantaged learners such as those in a backwater or physically retarded ones. Secondly, learners can enjoy lessons anytime from the prestigious schools all over the world with minimum or sometimes free payment. Furthermore, teachers have an efficient way to monitor the progress of each learner—where he starts, how he progresses and where he gets stuck. However, these technological ideas, on the other hand, do demean the true meaning of education with the diminishing social interaction between the teacher and the student. Deep engagement with students becomes almost impossible when classrooms turn into a dumping ground for solutions to problems. Conversely, traditional classrooms where face-to-face discussion, group work, and on-spot presentation are nothing but better ways to cultivate our brainpower, hone our communicative skills and resuscitate our quest for inspiration. All in all, as Nobel laureate Carl Wieman said that good teaching must de-emphasize lectures and emphasize the active learning progress, be it flip or any other teaching method, hopefully, we will never miss the active and joyful part of learning.

解析    本题讨论的是以反转课堂为例的新的教学方法——网上教学。选段1讲述了反转课堂在美国盛行并且列举了它的优势。选段2则指出以反转课堂为例的网上教学模式的弊端。本题的写作重点在于首先概述反转课堂的优缺点,其次就以反转课堂为例的网上教学表达自己的观点,尤其要重点论述与传统教学模式相比,网上教学是否有更多的优势。
