
admin2018-09-21  32

问题     年轻人到纽约别只在夜店贪玩,只去百老汇看戏。可以找一个短期课程,纽约大学有各种不给学位的短期课程,可以在那里学英文、交朋友。纽约附近常有短期出租公寓,租一个小房间,一个月、两个月皆可。房东可能是当地艺术家,和他们聊天,看他们追求艺术梦,白天创作,傍晚当苦力工作至深夜。没有人会在黑夜里哭泣,因为他们清楚地知道,一切辛苦是为了圆自己的梦。


答案Young people who travel to New York should not just indulge in night clubs and Broadway theatres. Instead, you should attend a short-term programme. In New York University, there are a variety of short-term courses not offering academic degree where you can learn English and make friends. Around the suburb of New York, short lease is available to rent a room for a month or two. The landlord may turn out to be a local artist who is pursuing dreams of art. Chat with them and learn. They produce art of their own during the daytime and work for others in the evening till midnight, but none of them cry in the dark because they know that all the hard work contribute to fulfilling their dreams.

解析 1.本文选自陈文茜的散文《纽约》,翻译时要注意保持原文平实朴素的语体风格。全文共有五句话,句子结构不算复杂。基本没有生僻词汇和专业词汇。
2.第一句的难点在于“只在夜店贪玩,只去百老汇看戏”,“只”字出现了两次,这里是强调沉溺于其中,可用linger in或indulge in表达。
3.第二句中的短期课程可译为short-term programme或short-term course,“不给学位”可译成courses的后置定语without academic degree。“可以在那里学英文、交朋友”说明参加课程的好处,不妨译作course的定语从句where you can learn English and make friends。
4.第三句中“纽约附近”应该指纽约郊区,那里的房租较低廉,可译为Around the suburb of New York。“常有短期出租公寓”除了常用的there be句式,表示有某物可利用常用available一词,更为地道,此处可译为short lease is available。
5.第四句由较多短句组成,为了更符合英语的语言习惯,可进行适当整合。“和他们聊天,看他们……”是作者对年轻人的建议,故此处可将该部分分解来看,译为祈使句以突出重点。“看他们……”实际上是“进行观察并学习”,故该部分译为Chat with them and learn。“白天创作”指的是白天进行自己的艺术创作,可译成They produce art of their own during the daytime,“傍晚当苦力工作至深夜”并非真的做苦力,而是完成别人的事,可译为work for others in the evening till midnight。
6.第五句与上一句是转折关系,可用but连接,使上下文更连贯。“在黑夜里哭泣”译为cry in the dark。“圆自己的梦”指实现自己的梦想,“实现”有多种表达方式,如fulfill、realize、come true等。
