
admin2017-05-17  27

问题     读书的一个好处是锻炼抽象思维能力。我们今天已进入读图时代,我们反复在问自己:读书有什么用?人类文明之所以推进,是因为人类发明了文字。我们读文字,即便是象形文字,也是在锻炼抽象思维能力。所以读文学书的时候,你的理解跟别人的理解可能完全不一样。我们今天进入了一个全球化的信息时代,开始大量读图,而大量读图会限制一个人的抽象思维能力。读图的危险逐渐向人类靠拢,但我们浑然不觉。


答案Reading books serves for abstract thinking, but with the advent of picture-reading era, we constantly ask ourselves: what can we benefit from reading books? Human civilization is advanced by the invention of writing. Reading words, even hieroglyphics words, trains your abstract thinking. As a result, our understanding of the words in the book could be dramatically different from that of others. Today we have been in a globalized Information Age when great quantities of images poured in. Our ability to think abstractly will be limited by massive picture-reading, the risk of which, however, is gradually approaching human beings without our notice.

解析 1.本文选自马未都的《我是怎么读书的》一文,选段共有七个句子,文章语言浅显易懂,属一般评论性文章,翻译时要注意保持这种风格,避免使用晦涩难懂的词语。
2.第一句讲到读书的好处,可参考培根的《论读书》的句式study serves for…,译作reading books seversfor abstract thinking。
3.第二句讲到“进入读图时代”,人们质疑读书的作用,与第一句有转折关系,可用but连接,合译为一句。“我们今天已经进入读图时代”,考生较容易按中文逐字逐句译为we are entering an era of readingimages.此处可处理为时间状语,用with the advent of引出。
4.第三句中“人类文明……推进,是因为人类发明了文字”可译为Human civilization is advanced by theinvention of writing,不宜生硬的将“之所以推进”译为why human civilization is advanced isbecause…。其中“文字”在此处应指书面文字,可明确译为writing,下文为避免重复,可将“文字”译为words。
5.第四句中的“象形文字”应译为hieroglyphics words。“锻炼抽象思维能力”可译为train your abstractthinking。
6.第五句“你的理解和别人的理解可能完全不一样”,此处理解指对文学的理解,可译为Our understanding ofliterature,“完全不一样”,注意两者比较的对象是理解,而不是人,应译为our understanding of thewords in the book could be dramatically different from that of others。
7.第六句中又出现了“进入……时代”,为避免与第二句重复,可译为we have been in a globalizedInformation Age。“开始大量读图”,如果译为we begin to read quantities of images,较为生硬。为了更好的与上句整合,可处理为定语从句when great quantities of images poured in。
8.最后一句的“危险”是指读图产生的一些风险、危害,并非直接导致伤害的危险,译作risk of...比dangerof...更合适。“向人类靠拢”译为approaching human beings。“浑然不觉”可译为without our notice。
