科举制度(the imperial examination)是中国帝制时期(imperial China)选拔官员的制度,具有1300多年的历史。它将阅读、考试和选拔政府官员三者紧密结合起来,是一种公平和公开的人才选举方法,是中国选举史上的一大突破。它为中

admin2019-07-19  69

问题     科举制度(the imperial examination)是中国帝制时期(imperial China)选拔官员的制度,具有1300多年的历史。它将阅读、考试和选拔政府官员三者紧密结合起来,是一种公平和公开的人才选举方法,是中国选举史上的一大突破。它为中国发现、培养了大量人才,对知识的普及起到了相当大的推动作用,同时也增强了阅读气氛。然而,科举制度也有缺陷,其考试内容局限于儒家(Confucius)经典,文章的结构和字数都要符合“八股文”(the eight-part essay)的要求。因此,这极大地限制了人的眼界、创造力以及独立思考的能力。


答案The imperial examination, with a history of over 1,300 years, was a system of selecting administrative officials in imperial China. It integrated reading and examination with the selection of government officials. It was a fair and open approach to select talents, which was a breakthrough in China’s election history. The system identified and trained a large number of talents for China. It considerably promoted the popularity of knowledge while at the same time enhanced reading atmosphere. However, there were also drawbacks. What was examined was confined to Confucius classics. Structure and the number of words in the essay should be in accordance with the requirement of "the eight-part essay". Therefore, it greatly restricted people’s outlooks, creativity and independent thinking abilities.

解析 1.第一句中,可将“科举制度是中国帝制时期选技官员的制度”视为句子的主干;“选拔官员的”是一种目的,可使用不定式短语to select...作后置定语,置于“制度”system之后。“具有1300多年的历史”可处理成with引导的介宾短语with a history of…,作插入语,用逗号与主语The imperial examination隔开。
3. 第三句“它为中国发现……阅读气氛”讲述了科举制度的三大积极作用。第一个作用“它为中国发现、培养了大量人才”可独立成句,第二、第三个作用讲述的内容联系较为紧密,可合并为一个句子,用while将二者连接起来。
4.翻译“考试内容局限于儒家经典”时,可将“考试内容”直译为the content of examination,也可采用what引导的主语从句What was examined。
