中国是发展中国家中的大国,其工业化正在快速发展。随着经济水平的提高,环境问题也变得日益严峻,因此环境保护被国家视为一项基本国策。 近年来,国家采取了很多措施来加强环境治理,如建立了世界著名的生态工程“三北防护林工程”(the Three-North

admin2018-07-27  66

问题     中国是发展中国家中的大国,其工业化正在快速发展。随着经济水平的提高,环境问题也变得日益严峻,因此环境保护被国家视为一项基本国策。
    近年来,国家采取了很多措施来加强环境治理,如建立了世界著名的生态工程“三北防护林工程”(the Three-North Shelter Forest Program)。此外,中国也在大力发展自然保护区,颁布了《环境保护法》(The Law on Environmental Protection),加强环保意识和环保教育。


答案 China is a major developing country undergoing rapid industrialization. With the economic growth, the environmental problem in China is getting worse and worse, thus environmental protection has been taken as one of the basic national policies by the government. In recent years, the government has taken lots of measures to strengthen the environmental governance, such as carrying out the world famous ecological project "the Three-North Shelter Forest Program". Moreover, China has been greatly developing the natural reserves. The Law on Environmental Protection has been issued to strengthen the awareness and education of environmental protection. Now, distinct achievements have been made in environmental governance. The environment in most cities and the agricultural ecological environment around the country have been greatly improved. The capability of preventing and controlling industrial pollution has been highly enhanced.

解析    本文介绍了中国的环境问题、政府采取的治理环境的措施以及取得的成效。就时态而言,本文主要为一般现在时、现在进行时和现在完成时三种时态。就句子结构而言,本文有些句子较长,翻译时可根据句意和逻辑关系酌情断句,不必按照原文断句。就专业术语而言,本文的专业术语不多,可采用平时常见且熟悉的词汇进行翻译。
