
admin2022-07-28  138

问题 有一个关于叫神农的人(也被称为炎帝)的神话故事,他的头上有两个角,他被认为是中国人的祖先之一。古时候,他品尝了各种草药来为人们治疗疾病,同时他还致力于寻找许多有用的草药。由于他的巨大贡献,有个地方以他的名字命名,叫做神农架。今天这个地方是中国的一个世界地质公园。神农架风景区位于神农架林区南部。因为森林覆盖率超过90%,所以被誉为“华中之肺”。此外,该地区是一些稀有动物的家园,如金丝猴、白熊和羚羊(antelope)。


答案There is a myth about a man called Shennong, also known as the Emperor Yan. He has two horns on his head, and is regarded as one of the ancestors of Chinese people. In ancient times, he had tasted all kinds of herbal medicines to cure people of their diseases. At the same time, he was engaged to find many useful herbal medicines. Thanks to his great contribution, a place was named after him, called Shennongjia. Now this place is a world geological park in China. Shennonjia scenic area is located in the south of Shennongjia forestry district. It is praised as "the Lung of Central China", because the forest coverage there exceeds 90 percent of the area. Besides, the area is home to some rare animals such as golden monkey, white bear and antelope.

