
admin2020-08-17  81

问题     反应在艺术和文学中的乡村生活理想是中国文明的重要特征。这在很大程度上归功于道家对自然的感情。传统中国画有两个最受青睐的主题,一是家庭生活的各种幸福场景,画中往往有老人在下棋饮茶,男人在耕耘收割,妇女在织布缝衣,小孩在户外玩耍。另一个则是乡村生活的种种乐趣,画有渔夫在湖上打鱼,农夫在山上砍柴采药,或是书生坐在松树下吟诗作画。这两个主题可以分别代表儒家和道家的生活理想。


答案 The ideal of country life reflected in art and literature is an important feature of Chinese culture, which is, to a large degree, attributed to the feelings of nature in Taoism. There are two popular topics in the traditional Chinese painting. One is the various scenes of happiness about family life, in which the old man often plays chess and drinks tea, a man ploughs or harvests, a woman weaves or sews, and children play outdoors. The other scene is all kinds of pleasures about country life, in which fishermen are fishing on the lake, farmers are cutting wood or gathering herbs in the mountains, or scholars are chanting poems and painting pictures under pine trees. The two themes respectively represent the ideal life in Confucianism and Taoism.

