Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take

admin2019-09-14  37

问题 Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passage only once. Now, let’s begin.
Today, I will talk about China, the United Nations and our world. As you know, I grew up in wartime Korea. My family was very poor, but we had something better than gold. We were also very hungry and thirsty for education. One of the most important guidelines for me was the Confucian tradition. My parents taught me to study hard, to work for other people, work for the public good. In 1962, when I was still a teenager, I was very lucky to be invited to the United States for a Red Cross meeting and I had the extraordinary honor of meeting President John F. Kennedy.
For a high school boy, this was an incredible and exciting experience. I was asking myself, what should I do for my country? I thought I needed to do something for my country’s economy and political stability. This dream changed my life. I decided to dedicate myself to public service. I often reflected on a Confucian teaching which says: cultivating one’s moral character, putting one’s own house in order, running the country well and letting peace prevail on earth. And to do this, you must cultivate your personal life first and set your hearts right. I have been living with those guidelines and teachings.
As an official of the United Nations, I deal with the worst problems of the world — war, hunger, poverty and disease, abuses of people’s legitimate human rights, environmental degradation and climate change. These are things we must address all together. It is easy to lose hope — but I feel always motivated and encouraged by the energy of the youth, young people like yourselves.
China has made remarkable progress that contributed to our global Millennium Development Goals results. Worldwide, since 1990, some 700 million fewer people lived in conditions of extreme poverty. Six million fewer children died each year from preventable diseases. More than 2. 3 billion people gained access to improved drinking water sources. In all these achievements, China played a very important role. When the world was able to lift at least half of extremely poor people out of poverty, it was due to China’s help, since you have lifted most of your people out of poverty.
But still, millions of people live in degrading conditions and die from preventable diseases. Now is the time for the youth to drive global action. We must do more for these young people. That is why working for and working with young people is one of the United Nations’ priorities. China makes up the largest share of the largest generation of the youth in history. We need you to succeed.
One of China’s first democrats, the Qing Dynasty scholar Liang Qichao, said, "If the youth are wise, society will be wise; if the youth are strong, society will be strong; if the youth are independent, society will be independent; if the youth are free, society will be free; if the youth progress, society will progress. " This is what I learned and what you should learn! I have high hopes for the great youth of China.


答案 我今天的话题主要围绕中国、联合国以及我们的世界。正如你们所知,我是在韩国战乱中长大的。那时我家很穷,可我们却有比金子更珍贵的东西。我们也对接受教育如饥似渴。我个人非常重要的一个信条就来自儒家传统。我的父母教导我要努力学习,为他人、为公益而尽力。1962年,我十几岁时,有幸受美国红十字会邀请访问美国,并十分荣幸地见到当时的美国总统约翰-肯尼迪。 那时,我还是个高中生。对我而言,这是一次非常令人激动、难以置信的经历。当时,我不断问自己:我能为我的国家做些什么?我觉得我应该为我的国家的经济和政治稳定做点事情。这个梦想改变了我的人生。从此,我决定投身于公共事业。当时,我经常想到儒家思想中的一句话:修身、齐家、治国、平天下。想要达到这个境界,你必须先修炼自己;修炼你的内心。一直以来,我都奉行着这一信条和教诲。 作为联合国官员,我要与世上最严峻的问题打交道——包括战争、饥荒、贫困、疾病以及人权的践踏、环境恶化、气候变化等。这些都是需要我们共同解决的。这些难题很容易让我们丧失信心——但是我总是被青年人身上的朝气所激励和鼓舞,包括在座的你们。 中国在发展方面取得了长足进展,并为实现全球千年发展目标做出了巨大贡献。自1990年以来,全世界已有大约7亿人口脱离极度贫困的生活环境;死于可预防疾病的儿童数量每年减少600万;有超过23亿人能够获得改善过的饮用水源。这些成就中,中国扮演了至关重要的角色。例如,全世界之所以能让至少一半的赤贫人口摆脱贫困,正是因为中国已经让大部分人摆脱了贫困。 但是,仍有数百万人生活条件每况愈下,或死于可预防性疾病。如今是青年人推动全球发展的时代。我们需要为年轻人做更多的事。这就是为什么要为年轻人谋利、与年轻人共事,是联合国的优先考虑之一。而中国现在拥有有史以来最多的青年人口。我们的成功与否取决于你们。 中国第一批民主运动人士之一,清末学者梁启超曾说过: “少年智则国智,少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步。”这是我所学到的,同时也是你们需要学习的。我对中国的青年一代寄予厚望。

