数字、模拟和混合计算机 数字计算机是对离散数据进行操作的计算设备。它直接对表示数字、字母或其它专用符号的数进行计算。正如数字表以秒、分来计算小时那样,数字处理器也对离散数值进行计算以获得所需的输出结果。 还存在一种与数字计算机相反的模拟计算机,

admin2018-08-11  31

问题    数字、模拟和混合计算机


答案 Digital, Analog, and Hybrid Computers A digital computer is a counting device that operates on discrete data. It operates by directly counting numbers ( or digits) that represent figures, letters, or other special symbols. Just as digital watches directly count off the seconds and minutes in an hour, digital processors also count discrete values to achieve the desired output results. In contrast to digital processors, however, there are also analog computers that do not compute directly with numbers. Rather, they deal with variables that are measured on a continuous scale and are recorded to some predetermined degree of accuracy. Temperature, for example, may be measured to the nearest tenth of a degree on the Celsius scale, voltage may be measured to the nearest hundredth of a volt, and pressure may be measured to the nearest "pounds per square inch" value. Analog computing systems are frequently used to control processes such as those found in an oil refinery where flow and temperature measurements are important. Desirable features of analog and digital machines are sometimes combined to create a hybrid computing system. In a hospital intensive-care unit, for example, analog devices may measure a patient’s heart function, temperature, and other vital signs. These measurements may then be converted into numbers and supplied to a digital component in the system. This component is used to monitor the patient’s vital signs and to send an immediate signal to a nurse’s station if any abnormal readings are detected. Analog and hybrid processors obviously perform important specialized tasks. But the overwhelming majority of all computers used for business and scientific applications are digital devices.

