
admin2017-03-01  20

问题     现如今,越来越多的美国人来到中国求职。北京和上海这些经济发达的城市成为他们的首选目的地。由于受到金融危机的影响,美国的就业市场变得很惨淡。而中国发展迅速的经济和相对较低的生活成本吸引着美国求职者前来。许多刚刚毕业的美国大学生也加入到这股中国求职潮。同时,许多中国公司在寻找英语为母语的人来帮助他们进入美国市场。


答案 Nowadays, a growing number of Americans come to seek jobs in China. The economically developed cities like Beijing and Shanghai become their first destinations. Affected by the financial crisis, the American job market gets gloomy. It is the rapidly growing economy and relatively low cost of living in China that attract the American jobseekers here. Many fresh American graduates also join in the wave of seeking jobs in China. At the same time, a lot of Chinese companies are looking for English native speakers to help them get access to American market.

解析 1.第3句中的“由于受到金融危机的影响”表原因,可将其处理成原因状语,用过去分词短语affected by thefinancial crisis来表达。
2.第4句“中国发展迅速……吸引着美国求职者前来”如果逐字对译为the rapidly growing economy andrelatively low cost of living in China attract the American jobseekers here,则因主语太长句子显得头重脚轻,因此宜用强调句型it is…that来平衡句子,译作It is the rapidly growing economy…that at-tract the American jobseekers…。
3.第5句中的“刚刚毕业的美国大学生”不宜译为recently graduate American college students,因为不符合英语表达习惯,而应译为recent American graduates,亦可表达为fresh American graduates,graduate作名词时意为“大学毕业生”。“中国求职潮”中“求职”作定语,可用介词短语of seeking jobs译出,“中国”实为“在中国”,故表达为in China。
4.最后一句中的“英语为母语的人”表达为English native speaker。“来帮助他们进入美国市场”表目的,故将其处理为目的状语,用不定式短语to help them (to) get access to American market来表达。
