当古典音乐(classical music)流泻而出的一刹那,你可以清楚地看到,在空气中流动的是高山、是流水、是丝竹、是冬雪、是千古的生命(eternal life)。那份说不出、道不尽的感动,就是中国古典音乐之美。古乐器一般都具有双重功能——表现性和实用

admin2020-12-03  37

问题    当古典音乐(classical music)流泻而出的一刹那,你可以清楚地看到,在空气中流动的是高山、是流水、是丝竹、是冬雪、是千古的生命(eternal life)。那份说不出、道不尽的感动,就是中国古典音乐之美。古乐器一般都具有双重功能——表现性和实用性,即这些乐器既是表现音乐的工具,又是劳动生产的工具,或是生活用具(daily utensils)。中国音乐是光辉灿烂的中国文化的一个重要组成部分。历经数千年的漫长岁月,以其多姿多彩的品种和内涵丰富的体系闻名于世。


答案 The very instant that the classical music gets hold of you, you can clearly visualize the mountain ranges, the running streams, the elegant bamboos, the winter snow and the eternal life flowing in the air. That kind of emotion, unable to be clearly articulated, epitomizes the serenity of Chinese classical music. Traditional musical instruments usually serve a dual role—both entertainment and pragmatic use. Not only are they the instruments to play music, but also they are often tools of laboring or daily utensils. Chinese music is an integral part of China’s rich and profound culture. Having developed for thousands of years, it becomes famous all around the world due to its rich varieties and systems of abundant connotations.

解析 1.第一句中,“……的一刹那”指“一瞬间”,译为The very instant比较贴切。
2.第二句中,“那份说不出、道不尽的感动”主语是“感动”,属于一种情感,因此译为emotion;“说不出”与“道不尽”表达的是同一个意思,因此整合译为unable to be clearly articulated。
3.第三句中,“双重功能”翻译为dual role,role具有“作用”的意思,比function更贴切。
4.第四句中,“光辉灿烂的”翻译为rich and profound。
5.第五句中,“多姿多彩的品种和内涵丰富的体系”是其“闻名于世”的原因,所以译为due to引出的原因状语。
