Recently, some people argue that corporal punishment should be re-introduced to the education system for it was an effective way

admin2021-05-24  42

问题         Recently, some people argue that corporal punishment should be re-introduced to the education system for it was an effective way to discipline kids in schools. Some parents and education experts, however, voiced their concerns about this "brutal" method at schools. The following three excerpts are different opinions towards this issue.
        Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
        1. summarize briefly the opinions;
        2. give your comment on whether corporal punishment should be reintroduced in schools.
Excerpt 1
        Teachers are there to help children learn, not to be their friends. While teachers can maintain a convivial atmosphere in the classroom, having access to corporal punishment is simply an extra weapon in the storage of learning tools available to teachers, giving them greater control over the classroom and their students, an essential part of the teaching environment When the teacher does not control the classroom, teaching is difficult, or impossible. Studies show that teachers, parents, and most students agree that discipline is an essential part of classroom order. In a Gallup poll last year, 76% of the public thought that discipline in US Schools was a very or somewhat serious problem. If the teacher is busy dealing with unruly children, and thus forced to divert from the lesson plan, there is less time to devote to actually teaching the students who want to learn. For the sake of students’ futures they must be brought to heal, by the threat and application of force when necessary.
Excerpt 2
        It is often the case in classroom environments that the vast majority of students are eager, to various extents, to learn. Disruption almost always originates with one or a few students who act up for attention or to cause problems. Corporal punishment deals effectively with these unruly individuals who make learning more difficult and school time less productive for the rest of the class. Without effective disciplinary mechanisms, these troublemakers impose costs on all of their classmates. By introducing corporal punishment, troublesome students are forced to internalize the costs, disincentivizing similar behavior in future. It is deeply unfair to the rest of the class that the teacher’s time and effort be sapped by dealing with uncooperative students at the expense of more interested classmates. Application of corporal punishment demonstrates a dedication to the right to education, which should not be disrupted by unruly individuals seeking to undermine the authority of the teacher.
Excerpt 3
        Being hit, even in a controlled environment, is a jarring experience, particularly for young children. Even if it were effective in reducing anti-social and disruptive behavior, the negative effects of corporal punishment outweigh the benefit Physically being struck is painful and unsettling. Bruises and welts represent painful reminders of punishments that a student might well feel to be unjust. The lasting pain thus makes corporal punishment a much more serious cause of resentment than do less physically taxing punishments as detentions. Furthermore, the psychological harms of such punishment can be long lasting, creating in some children resentment toward authority generally. Worse, it can create resentment and negative psychic impressions of school, and thus education generally, further weakening the ability of the school and the teacher to impart knowledge.


答案 No Corporal Punishment Is Allowed Voice that re-introducing corporal punishment to the education system has sparked an extensive debate. With the opinion which teaching would be of low efficiency and quality in classes which disturbed by disobedient students, supporters regard corporal punishment as a useful tool for teachers to put the class under control. They stated that corporal punishment can protect other students’ right to learn. The opponents, however, hold that corporal punishment is harmful to the student both physically and mentally. When the feeling of being insulted and the pain of being hit lead the student to a grudge against authority and school, negative influence would be brought to the performance of education. Therefore, I persist that we should not allow teachers to apply corporal punishment. On the one hand, corporal punishment would crush kids’ delicate mentality and leave a lasting effect on their mental health. According to the psychology, if kids are exposed to brutality in their youth, they might grow up into two possibilities—too submissive or too rebellious. In the first case, kids would become "obedient" students, with their courage and confidence having been ruined once and for all. In the second case, children are subject to the belief that "whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger". That is why they put on more self-abandoned acts to annoy their teachers. On the other hand, teachers can be encouraged to come up with better ways to discipline kids. In Germany, when teachers want to "control" or correct students’ behaviors, they would choose many other ways, such as extra assignments, school services, community services and so on. The effect of these punishments might not be as instant as that of corporal punishment, but one thing is for sure: students understand that they have done something wrong and that they are being punished, without the risk of leaving a scar in their body and mind. In conclusion, no corporal punishment is allowed. Resorting to corporal punishment is a short-sighted solution, which would cause permanent harm to kids. Teachers should rely on other means to discipline misbehaving children.

解析         材料围绕“是否应把体罚重新引入教育系统”这一问题,分别给出了不同意见。
        材料一和材料二是支持的观点。材料一指出,体罚为教师掌控课堂增加了一种额外的手段(an extra weapon)。材料二则指出,课堂的中断(disruption)往往由一两个学生引起,体罚能有效应对(deals effectively with)这种影响教学的学生。两则材料都提到部分学生不守纪律(discipline)会影响教学的效率,教师不得不耗费时间去管纪律,这对其他同学不公平。
        材料三是反对的观点,认为体罚弊大于利(the negative effects of corporal punishment outweigh the benefit)。指出体罚不但会给孩子带来身体上的伤害,也会带来心理上的伤害,容易导致孩子对权威的怨恨(resentment toward authority)和对学校的反感(negative psychic impressions of school)。
