
admin2012-04-23  51

问题     洋教师说:“这文章写得当然好,而且绝妙无比,你们听——”他拿起作文念起来,“我们学校最美的地方,不是教室,不是操场,也不是校门口那个带喷水的小花坛,而是食堂。瞧,玻璃干净得几”乎叫你看不到它的存在——”洋教师念到这儿,眼睛调皮地一亮,眉毛一挑,“听听,多么幽默!”
    幽默? 怎么会是幽默? 大家还没弄明白。


答案 "This is certainly a good essay," he explained. "Absolutely matchless! Just listen...”He picked up the composition and began to read. "The most beautiful spot on campus is not the classroom-building, nor the sports-ground, nor the lawn with the fountain at the gate; the most beautiful spot on campus is our cafeteria. Look! The window-panes are so clean that you scarcely notice there is glass in them...”He paused, his eyes flashing with a glint of wits and his brows shooting upward. "Listen! Isn’t it humorous? ” Humorous? But what was humorous about it? The students were puzzled. "If you were not careful enough," he continued, "and had a fall on the floor, you would be amazed to find that you had not fallen at all because you did not get a single particle of dust on your clothes. If you had been working in the cafeteria long enough, you would have forgotten what a fly looks like...”He stopped, his tongue clicking rapidly to show admiration. Working up a funny expression on his face, he went on, "Listen, please! Do you think anyone else could’ve made it more humorous? " He laughed so heartily that he could hardly continue. But now the students seemed to be cottoning on.

