主席先生, 女士们、先生们: 目前,国际形势正处于深刻变化之中。和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题,总体和平的国际环境为世界经济发展提供了有利条件;科技进步日新月异并孕育着新的重大突破,前所未有地提高了人类认识、把握宏观和微观世界的能力,展现了新的发展

admin2011-01-09  61

问题 主席先生,


答案Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Our world is undergoing profound changes. Peace and development remain the theme of our times. A generally peaceful international environment provides favorable conditions for the world’s economic development. The rapidly advancing science and technology and emerging new breakthroughs have expanded the horizon of mankind and their ability to solve the micro and macro problems of the world, presenting a new vista for development. Deepening economic globalization is accelerating the global movement of productive factors and industrial relocation, stimulating international economic and technical cooperation and facilitating the global flow of goods and resources as well as their rational distribution. At the same time, factors unfavorable for peace and development still exist. Regional wars and conflicts keep cropping up. Terrorism, arms proliferation, epidemics and other nontraditional security issues have become more acute. Devastating natural disasters pose a grave threat to the survival and development of mankind. The disparity between the North and the South grows further, worsened by new trade barriers and protectionism. Energy and other resources consumption is rising sharply, with serious ecological and environmental deterioration. China strongly supports and actively participates in international cooperation for economic and social development, and appeals to the international community for unremitting efforts in the following aspects: First, continuing to enhance international cooperation in the economic, technological and other fields. More exchanges and cooperation in capital, advanced technology, managerial expertise, human resources and other areas are of great significance to promote the economic development of all countries. The exchanges and cooperation help them learn from one another, share experience, bring their advantages into play and optimize the allocation of global resources. All countries and regions should further open their markets, lift restrictions on export of technologies, continue to advance trade liberalization and facilitate investment and remove various trade barriers. The international community should join hands to cope with security, natural disasters and other challenges. Second, establishing a resource—conserving and circular economy. The history of human development shows that development at the expense of resources and the environment would end up with punishment of mankind and impediment to development. For the sake of a better world and our future generations, we should choose a road to development driven by science and technology, that is economically viable, resource-conserving and environmentally friendly. We should encourage sustainable production, livelihood and consumption to build a resource-conserving economy and society. We should formulate plans for economic and social development based on the sustainability of nature while endeavoring to protect the ecological environment by prohibiting activities to plunder and destroy nature. Third, working to establish a just, equitable new international economic order. It is necessary to strengthen multilateral and bilateral cooperation in trade and promote regional economic cooperation. We will work for progress in the Doha round of trade negotiations and attain its objective as a "round for development". North-South dialogue should be promoted on the basis of equality. The interests of developing countries should be taken into full account. Diversity should be respected, and democracy in international relations and diverse development models upheld, so that all countries, developing countries in particular, can benefit from economic globalization. To create a better international environment, we will promote reform of international economic, trade and financial systems. Fourth, taking the initiative to help developing countries speed up their development. It is the responsibility of the international community and the requirement of sustained development of the world economy to help developing countries develop themselves and bridge the widening gap between the North and the South. Developing countries shoulder the primary responsibility in this regard. However, developed countries should earnestly fulfil their obligations, reduce and exempt the debts of developing countries and increase official aid without strings attached. The developed countries should help developing countries with human resources development and scientific and technological innovation, tap the potential of their domestic market and have the capacity for their self-development, and take effective measures to reduce the risks brought about by globalization to developing countries, so as to achieve common development and common prosperity.

解析     本文是一段关于世界经济发展的讲话。文中介绍了经济发展所面临的国际环境,既包括良好机遇,也面临巨大挑战。此外,本文呼吁扩大国际经济和社会发展的合作,共同倡导科学的发展模式,努力建立公正合理的国际经济新秩序,并帮助发展中国家加快发展,实现共同繁荣。
    1.恐怖主义    terrorism
    2.武器扩散    arms proliferation
    3.疾病传播    epidemics
    4.贸易壁垒    trade barriers
    5.保护主义    protectionism
    原句信息量大,层次繁杂,可把句子切分为几个独立句子。本句省略了动作的施动者,但可以从上下文中判断出来,  “加强……合作”是后面的“有利于……配置”和“对……意义”的主语;“对……意义”是总括,而“有利于”是具体的细节。翻译时要调整句序。
    原句内容包含有三个方面,“推进南北对活”、“考虑发展中国家利益”和“尊重……多样性,推动……民主化和……多样化,使……受益。”翻译时,可将本句切分为三个独立的句子。汉语中,在动作的实施者众所周知的情况下,可以选择无主句,而英语中却可以借助被动语态来表达;最后的“使……受益”可以看成是前面动词的目的,可以借助“so that”结构,将其翻译为英语中的目的状语。
    1.时代的主题                  theme of our times
    2.非传统安全问题              non-traditional security issues
    3.在以下几个方面              in the following aspects
    4.做出不懈努力                make unremitting efforts
    5.国际社会                    international community
    6.资源节约型和循环经济        a resource-conserving and circular economy
    7.公正合理的国际经济新秩序    a just and equitable new international economic order
    8.充分考虑                    take... into full account
    9.自我发展能力                capacity for self-development
    10.采取有效措施               take effective measures
