It is extremely rare for Britain to take a foreign-policy stance at odds with that of its closest and most important ally, Ameri

admin2020-08-19  43

问题     It is extremely rare for Britain to take a foreign-policy stance at odds with that of its closest and most important ally, America. It is perhaps unprecedented for it to do so by siding, in a contentious issue of global financial governance, with the superpower’s emerging rival, China. Yet that, in effect, is how America seems to interpret Britain’s plans, announced on March 12th, to join China’s new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as a founding shareholder. China, naturally, is chuffed. Most other observers are confused.
    The AIIB is one of a number of new institutions launched by China, apparently in frustration at the failure of the existing international financial order to adapt quickly enough to accommodate its astonishing rise. Efforts to reform the International Monetary Fund are stalled in the United States Congress. America retains its traditional grip on the management of the World Bank. The Asian Development Bank remains based in Manila, but it is mostly run by Japanese bureaucrats.
    Its plans do not just include the AIIB, but also a New Development Bank launched with its "BRICS" partners—Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa—and a Silk Road development fund to boost "connectivity" with its neighbors. And, in the security sphere, there is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization that links it with Russia and Central Asia.
    America, however, has reacted negatively to the AIIB. Its officials argue that they have not "lobbied against" it. Instead they merely stressed how important it is that such an institution abide by international standards—of transparency, creditworthiness, environmental sustainability, and so on. But officials in Singapore, for example, a close partner to both America and China, say they had some difficult discussions with America when they decided to support China’s initiative.


答案 英国在外交政策上采取与其最亲近、最重要的盟友美国不同的立场,这是十分罕见的。在颇具争议的全球金融治理问题上,英国站在了美国这个超级大国日益崛起的对手中国一边,看来这是前所未有的。事实上,这似乎正是美国对于英国在3月12日所公布计划作出的解读。英国的计划是:作为创始股东加入亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)。中国对此自然感到开心,但多数观察家则感到一头雾水。 亚投行是中国启动的一系列新机构之一,启动(这些新机构的)原因显然是由于现有国际金融秩序无法快速适应中国的惊人崛起,而让中国感到恼怒。改革国际货币基金组织的努力在美国国会遭遇搁浅,美国仍一如既往掌控着世界银行的管理。亚洲开发银行的总部仍设在马尼拉,但主要由日本官员打理。 中国的计划不仅包括亚投行,还包括与其金砖伙伴(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和南非)共同启动的新开发银行,以及旨在促进周边邻国互联互通的丝绸之路开发基金。与此同时,在国家安全方面,中国还有联手俄罗斯和中亚国家的上海合作组织。 然而,美国对亚投行作出了消极的回应。美国官员声称,他们并没有展开游说反对亚投行,而只是强调这样的新机构应当遵从国际标准的重要性。这些标准包括:透明、讲信誉、环境可持续发展等。然而,与中美都很亲近的新加坡官员则说,他们决定支持中国的提议之后,在与美方进行讨论时遇到了困难。”

解析     第一段中,it为形式主语,真正的主语是to…America,翻译时为使结构清晰,需将真正的主语前置。at odds with是固定搭配,意思是“与……争执,意见不一致”,且With后的宾语,that指代前边提到的stance(立场),故在此句中表示“立场不同”。
