
admin2022-03-09  37

问题 下面你将听到一段有关人口老龄化问题的讲话。
The world’s population is ageing: virtually every country in the world is experiencing growth in the number and proportion of older persons in their population. Population ageing is poised to become one of the most significant social transformations of the twenty-first century, with implications for nearly all sectors of society, including labour and financial markets, the demand for goods and services, such as housing, transportation and social protection, as well as family structures and intergenerational ties. According to statistics, the number of older persons—those aged 60 years or over—is expected to more than double by 2050 and to more than triple by 2100, rising from 962 million globally in 2017 to 2.1 billion in 2050 and 3.1 billion in 2100. Globally, population aged 60 or over is growing faster than all younger age groups. //
    In 2017, there are an estimated 962 million people aged 60 or over in the world, comprising 13 percent of the global population. The population aged 60 or above is growing at a rate of about 3 percent per year. Currently, Europe has the greatest percentage of population aged 60 or over(25 percent) . The number of older persons in the world is projected to be 1.4 billion in 2030 and 2.1 billion in 2050, and could rise to 3.1 billion in 2100. Globally, the number of persons aged 80 or over is projected to triple by 2050, from 137 million in 2017 to 425 million in 2050. By 2100 it is expected to increase to 909 million, nearly seven times its value in 2017. //
    The size and age composition of a population are determined jointly by three demographic processes: fertility, mortality and migration. All regions have experienced substantial increases in life expectancy since 1950. As the life expectancy at birth increases, improvements in survival at older ages account for a growing proportion of the overall improvement in longevity. While declining fertility and increasing longevity are the key drivers of population ageing globally, international migration has also contributed to changing population age structures in some countries and regions. In countries that are experiencing large immigration flows, international migration can slow the ageing process, at least temporarily, since migrants tend to be in the young working ages. However, migrants who remain in the country eventually will age into the older population. //
    Older persons are increasingly seen as contributors to development, whose abilities to act for the betterment of themselves and their societies should be woven into policies and programs at all levels. In the coming decades many countries are likely to face fiscal and political pressures in relation to public systems of health care, pensions and social protections for a growing older population. To begin addressing these issues, the General Assembly convened the first World Assembly on Ageing in 1982, which produced a 62-point International Plan of Action on Ageing. It called for specific action on such issues as health and nutrition, protecting elderly consumers, housing and environment, family, social welfare, income security and employment, education, and the collection and analysis of research data. //
    In 1992, the UN General Assembly declared 1999 the International Year of Older Persons. The International Day of Older Persons is celebrated on 1 October every year. Action on behalf of the ageing continued in 2002, when the Second World Assembly on Ageing was held in Madrid. Aiming to design international policy on ageing for the 21st century, it adopted a Political Declaration and the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. The Plan of Action called for changes in attitudes, policies and practices at all levels to fulfil the enormous potential of ageing in the twenty-first century. Its specific recommendations for action give priority to older persons and development, advancing health and well-being into old age, and ensuring enabling and supportive environments. //


答案 全球人口正步入老龄化阶段。世界上几乎每个国家的老龄人口数量和比例都在增加。人口老龄化有可能成为21世纪最重要的社会趋势之一,几乎所有社会领域都受其影响,包括劳动力和金融市场、对住房、交通和社会保障等商品和服务的需求、家庭结构和代际关系等。数据显示,到2050年,60岁及以上人口数量将增长两倍多,到2100年将增长三倍以上,由2017年的9. 62亿上升至2050年的21亿和2100年的31亿。全球60岁及以上人口增长速度超过年轻群体。 2017年,全球60岁以上人口约9. 62亿,占全球人口13%,且每年以3%左右的速度增长。目前,欧洲60岁及以上的人口所占比例最大(占25%) 。快速老龄化的问题在世界其他地区同样存在。全球老龄人口数量在2030年将达14亿,2050年达21亿,2100年上升至31亿。到2050年,全球80岁及以上人口数量预计增长三倍,即从2017年的1. 37亿增长至2050年的4. 25亿。到2100年,将增长至9.09亿,是2017年的近7倍。 人口的规模和年龄结构由三大人口进程共同决定:生育率、死亡率和迁移率。自1950年以来,所有区域的预期寿命都显著延长。随着出生时预期寿命的提高,老年人死亡率的降低对整体寿命延长的影响越来越大。生育率的降低和寿命的延长是影响全球人口老龄化的关键因素,而在某些国家和地区,国际移民也会影响人口年龄结构的变化。在经历移民大潮的国家中,国际移民至少会暂时减缓老龄化的进程,因为移民往往都是处于工作年龄的青年。但是,留在国内的移民最终仍将成为老年人口。 老年人日益被视为发展的贡献者,他们改善自身和社会状况的能力应被纳入政策和方案规划的各个层面。未来几十年内,许多国家可能会在服务于老龄人口增长相关的保健、养老金和社会保障等公共系统方面面临财政压力和政治压力。1982年,联合国大会首次召开了老龄问题世界大会,开始着手处理这些问题,并制定了包含62点内容的《老龄问题国际行动计划》,呼吁在一些问题上采取具体行动,如健康和营养、保护老年消费者、住房和环境、家庭、社会福利、收入保障和就业、教育以及研究数据的收集和分析。 1992年,联合国大会还宣布1999年为国际老年人年。每年的10月1日为国际老年人日。应对老龄化的行动在2002年继续进行,第二次老龄问题世界大会在马德里举行。为了制定出21世纪国际老龄问题的政策,会议通过了一项《政治宣言》和《马德里老龄问题国际行动计划》。该行动计划呼吁社会各阶层改变态度、政策和做法,在21世纪发挥老年人的巨大潜力。其对于行动的具体建议包括优先考虑老年人和发展,增进老年人的健康和福利,为老年人创造良好的环境。

解析     本文主要讨论人口老龄化问题的发展进程、形成原因,以及解决之道。主题为近些年来常见话题,理解方面难度不大。文章词数与真题接近,各段篇幅也比较均匀。整体而言,文内未出现较多生僻词汇及复杂句型,听辨难度适中,但部分段落数字密集,事例较多,因此信息密度比较高,考验译员对数字的敏感程度及反应速度。全文结构清楚,逻辑清晰,适合用作练习材料。
    (1) 第一段中出现了词组social transformation,经常被译作“社会变革”“社会转型”等,但根据上下文,译作“社会趋势”更恰当,因此Population ageing is poised to become one of the most significant social transformations of the twenty-first century…应当译作“人口老龄化有可能成为21世纪最重要的社会趋势之一”。在听辨过程中,对一些比较常见的词组也不能掉以轻心,要结合上下文输出最恰当的译文。
    (2) 第二段是本文的重难点段落,数字信息十分密集,考验译员的数字敏感度及反应能力。数字英译中时,要求译员对英语常见的数字表达方式非常熟练。译员在平时练习过程中,可以进行针对性的数字训练,提升数字敏感度,当然,数字外的重要信息也需要注意,切忌只听到了数字,未听到数字所代表的意义。
    (3) 第三段逻辑清晰,主要讲述人口老龄化问题形成的3个原因,因此fertility,mortality和migration三个核心词务必要在译文中体现出来。同时,本段整体是总分结构,在听辨阶段,注意区分整体结构,有助提高记忆效率,同时译文也更清晰。
    (4) 第四段的难点体现在信息比较密集,但本段的信息层次很清晰。本段整体信息可以分为三层,第一层为结论,第二层为老龄化带来的问题,第三层为具体行动。提取段落整体逻辑后,译文输出会更有条理。本段长难句为Older persons are increasingly seen as contributors to development, whose abilities to act for the betterment of themselves and their societies should be woven into policies and programs at all levels。处理该句时,可以采用“拆句法”,将长而复杂的句子,按照意群转换为几个简单的短句。因此,本句可译为“老年人日益被视为发展的贡献者,他们改善自身和社会状况的能力,应被纳入政策和方案规划的各个层面”。
    (5) 第五段整体难度适中,无复杂句型及表达。按照时间顺序,讲了两个事例。在翻译时,注意段落内的逻辑即可。本段中The International Day of Older Persons重复出现了两次,在第二次出现时可以用简单的符号代替,以节省时间。在记笔记时,如果某一专有词汇重复出现,再次出现时可以用一个简单的符号进行代替,减少记笔记消耗的时间。
