
admin2010-01-10  40

问题     我国首次月球探测工程的成功,实现了中华民族的千年奔月梦想,开启了中国人走向深空探索宇宙奥秘的时代,标志着我国已经进入世界具有深空探测能力的国家行列。这是我国推进自主创新、建设创新型国家取得的又一标志性成果,是中华民族在攀登世界科技高峰征程上实现的又一历史性跨越,是中华民族为人类和平开发利用外层空间作出的又一重大贡献。全体中华儿女都为我们伟大祖国取得的这一辉煌成就感到骄傲和自豪!


答案With the successful launch of its first lunar probe, China has realized its millennial dream of flying to the moon, ushered in the new era of entering the space and exploring the mystery of universe, which marks China’s access to the ranking of the world’s advanced countries capable of probing the moon. It is also another symbolic achievement of China’s efforts to enhance self-innovation and build itself into an innovative nation. In addition, it is a historical stride the nation made in its way towards the world’s peak of science and technology as well as another contribution made by Chinese nation to the peaceful development and exploration of the outer space. All the Chinese people are overwhelmed with pride in the glorious achievement of our great country!

解析 1.我国首次月球探测工程的成功,实现了中华民族的千年奔月梦想,开启了中国人走向深空探索宇宙奥秘的时代,标志着我国已经进入世界具有深空探测能力的国家行列。
译文:With the success of China’s first lunar probe project,China has realized its millennial dream of flying to the moon,ushered in the new era of entering the space and exploring the mystery of universe, which marks China’s access to the ranking of the world’s advanced countries with the capability of deep space exploration.
译文:It is also another symbolic achievement of China’s efforts to enhance self-innovation and build itself into an innovative nation.In addition,it is a historical stride the nation made in its way towards the world’s peak of science and technology as well as another contribution made by Chinese nation to the peaceful development and exploration of the outer space.
皓月当空with bright moon in the sky
繁星满天with many stars in the sky
科技高峰peak of science and technology
创新型国家innovative nation
译文;All the Chinese people are overwhelmed with pride in the glorious achievement of our great country!
本句中,“中华儿女”只能翻译成:all the Chinese people。
