目前美国的所谓“人文教育”(liberal arts education)的理念,在中国颇有些鼓吹者。但“人文教育”后面还有体育这一层。体育是学习人生的最好手段。体育和人生的关系,如同数学和科学的关系一样。因为体育能够把人生中千变万化的现象,抽象为几个最简

admin2009-08-13  38

问题     目前美国的所谓“人文教育”(liberal arts education)的理念,在中国颇有些鼓吹者。但“人文教育”后面还有体育这一层。体育是学习人生的最好手段。体育和人生的关系,如同数学和科学的关系一样。因为体育能够把人生中千变万化的现象,抽象为几个最简单的规则。不管你干什么专业,你总得和人相处、竞争,总会有成有败,有领先或落后的时刻,总有如何对待对手和“裁判”的问题。在这些境遇中如何自处,体育都会教给你。


答案 Today, quite some Chinese are beginning to trumpet the American idea of liberal arts education. However, few of them remember that behind liberal education lies physical education, which is the best way of learning about life. The relationship between physical education and life can be likened to that between mathematics and science, for physical education is nonetheless capable of reducing life’s various phenomena to a few hard and fast rules. No matter what you specialize in, you’ll have to get along and compete with people. Where there is competition, there are winners and losers, and the moments of running ahead of or lagging behind your opponent will surely occur. Besides, there will be the issue of how to behave towards your opponent and the "umpire". On how to cope in circumstances like these, sports will teach you most specifically.

解析     这段材料选自2004年4月22日《南方周末》,原文作者薛涌。本文句子结构并不复杂,关键是应尽量选择符合英文表达习惯的句式,使译文顺畅,一气呵成。
2.原文的第二句和第三句可翻译成一个带非限制性定语从句的英文长句;另外要注意“学习人生”的翻译应是 learning about life,而不是learning life。
3.第四句的翻译应注意liken sth. t哦sth.,如life is often likened to a journey,生活常常被比作旅行;另外注意表示原因的连词for的运用。
4.原文第五句是汉语的一个长句子,一般来说,汉语中散句较多,而英语中对句子的成分有严格的语法要求,所以这里翻译时可以将汉语原文的一句较长的话拆成几句话来翻译。“总会有成有败”的译文“Where there is competition, there are winners and losers”是模仿Where there is a will, there is a way的句式。
5.原文最后一句的翻译On how to cope..., sports will teach you most specifically是倒装结构,意在强调“别的不一定灵验,但体育准能行”。
