Slowly the wasters and despoilers are impoverishing our land, our name, and our beauty so that there will not be one beach, one

admin2019-03-20  42

问题     Slowly the wasters and despoilers are impoverishing our land, our name, and our beauty so that there will not be one beach, one hill, one lane, one meadow, one forest free from the debris of man and the stigma of his improvidence.
    Who is so rich that he can squander forever the wealth of earth and water for the trivial needs of vanity or the compulsive demands of greed; or so prosperous in land that he can sacrifice nature of unnatural desires? The earth we abuse and the living thing we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future.
    And what will we leave behind us when we are long dead? Temples? Sunken treasure? Or mountains of twisted, rusted steel, canyons of plastic containers, and a million miles of shores garlanded, not with the lovely wrack of the sea, but with the cans and bottles and boxes of a people who conserved their convenience at the expense of their heritage, and whose ephemeral prosperity was built on waste.


答案 浪费者和掠夺者们在慢慢地糟蹋着我们的土地,践踏着我们的名声和自然美景,没有一处沙滩、丘陵、小巷、一片草地或者森林躲得过人类的足迹,逃得掉人类的毫无节制。 有谁可以富有到为了满足自己微不足道的虚荣心或是贪婪的欲望而毫无节制地挥霍土资源和水资源?又或是我们的土地已经足够富饶到可以让人类牺牲自然以满足自己的私欲?我们所滥用的土地和我们所杀戮的生物最终都会报复我们,因为削弱他们的存在.也代表着在透支我们的未来。 当我们死的时候,我们会留下什么呢?圣殿?沉没的宝藏?锈迹斑斑的钢铁大厦、一望无际的垃圾,数百公里没有海藻的海岸线。只留下瓶瓶罐罐、盒子等东西来为自己的生活提供便利,但这最终要以牺牲其子孙后代的家园为代价,换言之,即在挥霍浪费的基础上取得短暂繁荣。

