Some students at the Open University left school 20 years ago. 【B1】 are younger but all must be at least 21 years old. This is o

admin2009-09-15  32

问题     Some students at the Open University left school 20 years ago. 【B1】 are younger but all must be at least 21 years old. This is one example of 【B2】 the Open University is different 【B3】 all the others. Its students must 【B4】 work fulltime or be at home all day. They do not have to 【B5】 any examinations before they are 【B6】 . This is why the university is called "open". It was started 【B7】 order to help people who 【B8】 having a university education when they were young. The first name 【B9】 the open university was "the University of the Air". The idea was to teach 【B10】 the air, in other 【B11】 , on radios and the television. 【B12】 of the teaching is done like this. The student also receives 【B13】 at one of 283 study centers in the country. He must also 【B14】 three weeks every summer as a 【B15】 student. Tutors and students 【B16】 and study together, 【B17】 in other universities. At the end of the Open University’s first year, the 【B18】 were good; three 【B19】 of four students passed their examinations. 【B20】 they do this every year, they will finish their studies in four or five years.

选项 A、Others


解析 这篇短文介绍的是英国的公开大学,第一句话是完整的,讲的是“公开大学的有些学生20年前就离开了学校。”在英语中,如果讨论的是一个群体,用“Some...”句型指一部分,剩下的一般用“others...”句型,如:Some students are girls, others are boys.因此,【B1】题应填others。如果选B,则说明除了some和others外,还有一部分没有包括,但文章中讨论的只有这两部分人。接下来文章讲公开大学如何(how)不同于(be different from)其他大学,而不是为什么不同。不同的第一点是学生或者是全职工作者,或者全时呆在家里(either...or...);不同的第二点是他们被接收入学前不必考试(do not have to pass any exams before they are accepted)。接着,文章讲建立这种大学的目的(in order to):是帮助那些年轻时错过(missed)接受大学教育的人。公开大学最先的名称(the first name for)叫“空中大学”,即在广播上(on the air)进行教学。n the air是固定词组,意“在广播”,换言之(in other words),通过收音机和电视进行教学。大部分的教学(ost of the teaching)都是这样进行的。除此之外,学生还通过全国283个学习中心接受指导 (receive advice),同时还必须在每年夏天用(spend)三周时间作为全日制学生(full-time student)。此时,教师和学生见面(meet),一起学习,如同在其他大学里一样(as in other universities)。开办的第一年结束后,结果很好(the results were good),四个学生中就有三个(three out of four students)通过了考试。如果(if)这些学生每年都这样,四五年之后就会完成自己的学业。注意:不同的领域或行业使用的词汇和搭配是不同的。如在学校里,人们常使用的词汇是:to be accepted, full-time students, results, pass examinations等。【B6】题就是个例子,这里的干扰项有employed,examined和registered。employed肯定不正确,因为这篇文章讨论是入学的事情。examined与前面的重复,违反常理。register虽然用指注册登记,但用法是register sth.或用作主动语态:register the birth of his child对他的孩子出生进行登记;He registers as a graduate student.他注册为研究生。
