请就下面提供的教学材料,根据PPP(Presentation,Practice,Production)教学模式,用英语完成以下教学设计,设计意图可用中文表述。 1.确立本节课的教学目标; 2.设计Presentation环节的教学活动,并对设计

admin2017-12-07  41

问题    请就下面提供的教学材料,根据PPP(Presentation,Practice,Production)教学模式,用英语完成以下教学设计,设计意图可用中文表述。


答案1. Teaching Objectives Knowledge objectives: (1) Students can recognize, read and use new words: postcard, magazine, dictionary, comic book, newspaper (2) Students can master the sentence pattern: What are you going to do? / When are you going? Ability objectives: By taking part in conversations, students can develop spoken English and communicative skills. Emotional objectives: Through this class, students can develop the consciousness of cooperation and communication. 2. Presentation (1) Learn new words ① T: Look! This is a beautiful card. It’s postcard. (Teacher takes out a postcard and writes "postcard" on the blackboard.) ② T: Do you like to watch TV? Ss: Yes. T: How about this? (Teacher takes out magazine and newspaper.) We can also get some information around the world from them. They are interesting. Do you want to read them? Ss: Yes. T: If you can speak these two words. I will lend them to you. (Teacher teaches students to learn the two words.) ③ T: When you meet some new words, you can look them up in dictionary. (Teacher shows a dictionary and explains its pronunciation.) ④ T: Do you like to read it? (Teacher takes out a comic book.) Ss: Yes. T: Do you want to know how to say it in English? Ss: Yes. (The students listen and repeat.) 设计意图:通过实物进行新词的教授,学生直观地接受生词,加强对生词的熟悉与记忆程度。 (2) Learn new sentences ① T: When you talk to a friend, and want to know what he wants to do, you can use this sentence "What are you going to do?" (Teacher writes the sentence on the blackboard.) T: If someone asks you "When are you going?" You should answer... Ss: This afternoon... ② Play the video twice and ask students to read the dialogue following the tape. ③ Students work in pairs to use the noun in Let’ s learn to make dialogue. 设计意图:通过对话学习新句型,了解用法,同时锻炼学生听力能力。通过置换单词练习句子,熟悉单词及句型。 3. Practice (1) Ask students to read Let’ s learn in pairs and help them adjust pronunciation. (2) Let’splay Invite three students to give a demonstration. The first student asks questions; the second student holds word cards; the third student answers questions. Student 1: Where are you going this afternoon? Student 3: I’m going to the bookstore. Student 1: What are you going to buy? (The second student shows word cards: comic book/postcards/newspaper/magazine/dictionary.) Student 3: I’m going to buy comic book/postcards/newspaper/magazine/dictionary. Student 1: When are you going? (The second student shows word cards: three/five.) Student 3: I’ m going at 3 o’ clock. Then, the teacher divides students in groups and asks them to practice the dialogues. 设计意图:通过小组问答练习对话,培养学生的团队意识,锻炼学生在大家面前开口说英语的勇气。 4. Production Divide students into six groups, and ask them make a new dialogue with new words and sentences. And then invite two groups to come to the front to perform their dialogues. 设计意图:通过练习,让学生逐渐熟练运用所学单词及句型,对本节课所学内容作一个整体的巩固与复习。 5. Blackboard Design What Are You Going to Do? Words: Postcard, magazine, dictionary, comic book, newspaper Sentences: What are you going to do? / When are you going?

