
admin2021-05-28  49

问题   承德避暑山庄是中国四大名园之一,也是保存最大最完好的帝王宫苑之一。过去,这里是清朝皇帝避暑和狩猎的地方,也被用来举办武术比赛和接待全国各地的少数民族精英。避暑山庄位于河北承德市,占地564万平方米,几乎是承德市区一半的面积。避暑山庄于1703年康熙当政时开始修建,1792年乾隆当政时竣工。乾隆皇帝在这里处理政治、军事、民族和外交等国家大事,避暑山庄因此成为除北京之外的第二个政治中心。避暑山庄及周边庙宇于1994年被列入世界遗产名录。


答案  The Mountain Resort in Chengde is one of the four most famous Chinese gardens and one of the largest and best-preserved imperial gardens. It used to be a summer resort and hunting ground for emperors of the Qing Dynasty and was also used to organize martial arts competitions and receive elites of ethnic minorities from around China. The Mountain Resort is located in the city of Chengde in Hebei Province, covering an area of 5.64 million square meters, almost half the area of Chengde’s urban area. Construction of the Mountain Resort began in 1703 under the rule of the Emperor Kangxi and was completed in 1792 under the rule of the Emperor Qianlong. It was another political center apart from Beijing for the Emperor Qianlong who would stay here to deal with state affairs such as political, military, ethnic, and diplomatic ones. The Mountain Resort in Chengde and the surrounding temples were placed on the World Heritage List in 1994.

