南京是中国东部重要的政治、文化和金融中心。自三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period)开始,先后有六个朝代在此建都,因此南京有“六朝古都”(the Ancient Capital of Six Dynasties)的美誉。南京城建于明朝

admin2020-10-18  49

问题     南京是中国东部重要的政治、文化和金融中心。自三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period)开始,先后有六个朝代在此建都,因此南京有“六朝古都”(the Ancient Capital of Six Dynasties)的美誉。南京城建于明朝,是中国现存规模最大的古城。南京不仅是一座著名的历史文化名城,也是极具特色的现代化城市。它是先进的制造业基地,也是仅次于北京、上海的第三大科教中心城市。由于地处长江下游,靠近东海,南京是中国重要的交通和通讯枢纽(hub)。2014年,第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会(Summer Youth Olympic Games)将在南京举办。


答案Nanjing is an important political, cultural and financial center in the east of China. Since the Three Kingdoms period, there had been six dynasties taking Nanjing as their capital. Thus, Nanjing bears the reputation of "the Ancient Capital of Six Dynasties". Built in Ming Dynasty, Nanjing is the largest ancient city existing in China. It is not only a well-known historic and cultural city, but a highly distinctive modern city. Being an advanced manufacturing base, Nanjing also ranks third in science and education fields among the major central cities, only next to Beijing and Shanghai. Located on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and being close to the East China Sea, Nanjing is an important hub of transportation and communication. In 2014, the second Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held in Nanjing.

解析 1.第二句较长,可以拆译为两句,前一句说有六个朝代在南京建都,后一句说南京有“六朝古都”的美誉。汉语句中的“因此”说明前后分句间存在因果关系,拆译成两句之后,仍要用thus来连接。
2.第三句“南京城建于明朝……古城”可使用过去分词短语作状语说明南京城的建城时间,即译为built inMing Dynasty;主干结构为“南京城是最大的古城”;“中国现存”可用现在分词短语existing in China来表达,作“古城”的后置定语。
3.第五句“它是先进的制造业基地,也是……”为了避免与上一句结构重复而使译文显得枯燥,可以改变句式,“是先进的制造业基地”采用“being+名词”作状语的形式来表达.即译为being an advanced manufacturingbase。“它也是第三大科教中心城市”翻译为句子主干:Nanjing also ranks third in…。
4.倒数第二句中的“由于地处长江下游,靠近东海”讲的是南京的地理位置,可以使用分词短语作状语,译为located on...and being close to…,置于句首;句子的主干结构是“南京是枢纽”。
