荷花(lotus flower)是中国的名花之一,深受人们喜爱。中国许多地方的湖泊和池塘都适宜荷花生长。荷花色彩鲜艳,夏日清晨绽放,夜晚闭合,花期长达两三个月,吸引来自各地的游客前往观赏。荷花具有多种功能,既能绿化水面,又能美化庭园,还可净化水质、减少污染

admin2020-04-14  51

问题    荷花(lotus flower)是中国的名花之一,深受人们喜爱。中国许多地方的湖泊和池塘都适宜荷花生长。荷花色彩鲜艳,夏日清晨绽放,夜晚闭合,花期长达两三个月,吸引来自各地的游客前往观赏。荷花具有多种功能,既能绿化水面,又能美化庭园,还可净化水质、减少污染、改善环境。荷花迎骄阳而不惧,出污泥而不染,象征纯洁、高雅,常常用来比喻人的高尚品德,历来是诗人画家创作的重要题材。荷花盛开的地方也是许多摄影爱好者经常光顾之地。


答案 The lotus flower is one of the famous flowers in China, which is deeply loved by people. The lakes and ponds in many parts of China are hospitable for the lotus to grow. The lotus, which features bright color, blooms in the summer morning and closes in the evening with a flowering period of up to two to three months, attracting tourists across the country to appreciate it. The lotus has multiple functions. Not only can it green water and beautify courtyards, but it can also purify water, reduce pollution and improve the environment. The lotus does not fear the strong sunshine and comes out of the dirty mud unsoiled. Therefore, it is regarded as the symbol of purity and elegance and is often used as metaphor for a person’s noble character, making it evolve into a key theme in poetic and painting creation. The place where the lotus blooms is also a place frequented by many photography enthusiasts.

解析 1.第一句中的“中国的名花之一”可翻译为“one of+可数名词复数”结构。“深受人们喜爱”可译为which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰荷花。
2.第二句的主语是“湖泊和池塘”,“中国许多地方的”修饰主语,可以译为介词短语作后置定语。“适宜荷花生长”可译为be suitable/hospitable for the lotus to grow或be suitable/hospitable for the lotus’growth。
4.第四句首先概括“荷花具有多种功能”,接下来具体介绍各种功能,因此可以拆译为两句。第二句可使用not only…but also…结构,当not only位于句首时,它所在的分句要使用部分倒装。
6.第六句中,“荷花盛开的”用来修饰“地方”,因此可译为where引导的定语从句。“经常光顾之地”即“经常光顾的地方”,可以译作a place(that is)frequented by…。
