
admin2015-08-31  28

问题     鼓浪屿位于厦门市的西南方。从厦门市区乘汽船大约五分钟就可抵达。鼓浪屿因其婀娜多姿的自然风光、积淀深厚的名人史迹和形态各异的万国建筑而闻名于世,成为国家重点风景名胜区。明朝时期,鼓浪屿名“圆沙洲”。因周围巨大的海礁受到海浪的阵阵冲击,发出犹如擂鼓的声音,故后来改名为“鼓浪屿”。在中文里,“鼓”指的是“擂鼓”,“浪”指的是“海浪”。鼓浪屿上约有两万居民。人们生活舒适,修身养性。在这里,只允许环岛旅游电瓶车上岛。所以,这里没有噪音,没有空气污染。


答案 Gulangyu Island is located right in the southwest of Xiamen City. Visitors can reach it by steamship from Xiamen City in about 5 minutes. Gulangyu Island is renowned for its delicate natural beauty, its ancient relics, and its varied architecture. The island is on China’s list of National Scenic Spots. During the Ming Dynasty, the island was called "Yuanshazhou Island". It got its present name from the huge reef surrounding it. When the tide comes in, the waves pound the reef and it sounds like the beating of a drum. Thus the island came to be named "Gulangyu". Gu in Chinese means "drum", and Lang "waves". Gulangyu Island has about 20 000 permanent residents, all of whom enjoy a comfortable, relaxing life. Only electric-powered vehicles are permitted on the island, so the environment is free from the noise and pollution of combustion engines.

