假设你的学校要召开运动会,你作为该校学生会的发言人在开幕式上发言,请写一份开幕词,包括以下内容: 1.表明自己的身份和发言的主要内容; 2.对到场的领导和老师给予的支持表示感谢,并阐述做体育运动的益处; 3.预祝此次运动会取得圆满成功。

admin2009-09-12  31

问题 假设你的学校要召开运动会,你作为该校学生会的发言人在开幕式上发言,请写一份开幕词,包括以下内容:
                        An Opening Speech


答案 An Opening Speech ① Ladies and gentlemen, ② Good morning! I am Li Ming. It’s my great honor to be the spokesman of the Students’ Union to extend our heartfelt welcome to all of you. ③ As the important organizer of the 18th sports meeting, we have been busy preparing for two months and looking forward to the opening. ④ At the happy moment, we are more than glad to see so many people join this significant activity. We are very grateful to the college leaders and faculty members who have given us enormous help. Special thanks also go to our schoolmates for your enthusiastic participation. ⑤ Sports can not only help us build a strong body, but also promote friendship. I hope everyone can enjoy the excitement and happiness through sports. ⑥ At last, let’s give best wishes to this sports meeting. Wish it a great success and good luck to all of the athletes and spectators.

解析 ①审题及布局。此题要求写一篇运动会上的开幕词。写作时要注意开幕词的写作原则,表达清楚发言的目的。在布局上,按照提纲的要求展开写作即可。第一段表明自己的身份和发言的主要内容;第二段对到场的领导和老师给予的支持表示感谢,并阐述体育运动的益处;第三段预祝此次运动会取得圆满的成功。②语言。本文是一篇应用文[考频:5]:开幕词。语言要热情洋溢,要让听众感受到运动会召开给大家带来的激动和喜悦的心情。表达要简洁、清晰。就时态而言,因为多为讲述现在事实,采用一般现在时即可。
   Good morning! I am ______.  It’s my great honor to be the spokesman of ______ to extend our heartfelt welcome to all of you. As the ______, we have been busy preparing for______ and looking forward to the ______.
   At the happy moment, we are more than glad to see so many people ______. We are very grateful to ______ who have given us enormous help. Special thanks also go to ______ for ______. ______ can not only ______, but also ______. I hope everyone can enjoy ______
   At last, let’s give best wishes to ______. Wish it a great success and good luck to all of the ______.
