
admin2011-01-11  29

问题     相传在春秋战国时期,楚人卞和在山中发现一块璞玉,他曾先后两次向两代楚王进献,但他们不识宝物,以为是块石头,并以欺君之罪,砍去了卞和的双脚。等到第三个楚王上台,执著的卞和又将璞玉献上,这回楚王命人剖开石头,一块宝玉出现在楚国君臣面前。卞和洗清了欺君之罪,他所献的宝玉被雕成了象征最高权力的玉璧。后人为了纪念卞和,就叫它和氏璧。这个故事大概算是中国历史上关于玉石最著名的传说了。在这个故事中给人留下深刻印象的,除了卞和的执着精神,还有玉石的非凡价值。


答案 Legend has it that, in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, a man called Bian He from the state of Chu once came upon an uncut jade in the mountains. He presented it first to the ruling king of Chu and later to his successor, both of whom, however, took the precious stone for just any stone and had Bian He’s feet cut off on the charge of deceiving the sovereign. When the third king came to the throne, the undaunted Bian He again presented the uncut jade to him. Whereupon, the king had the stone cut open, and there, on display before the king and his ministers, was a gem-stone! Bian He was cleared of the charge previously imposed on him, and the precious stone was fashioned into a bi, an object symbolizing the supreme power, which later generations called He Bi to cherish the memory of Bian He. This is probably the best-known legend about jade in Chinese history. What this story has deeply impressed people is the unusual value of jade as well as Bian He’s dauntless spirit. Jade was regarded as a divine object in the New Stone Age in China’s primitive society. Divine objects moulded from the stone can be divided into six kinds.

解析 1.相传在春秋战国时期,楚人卞和在山中发现一块璞玉,他曾先后两次向两代楚王进献,但他们不识宝物,以为是块石头,并以欺君之罪,砍去了卞和的双脚。
    Legend has it that, in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, a man called Bian He from the state of Chu once came upon an uncut jade in the mountains. He presented it first to the ruling king of Chu and later to his successor, both of whom, however, took the precious stone for just any stone and had Bian He’s feet cut off on the charge of deceiving the sovereign.
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    原文是个复杂的句子,首先分析一下结构,根据原文意思可在第二个逗号处断开,译成两个独立句子。后一句用both of whom来引导译成定语从句。“两代”要译为“the ruling king of Chu and later to his successor”,不能按照字面译成“two generations"。“春秋战国”是我国古代的一个历史时期,其英文译法已有固定译法。“春秋战国时期”译成the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods。“欺君之罪”的译文是On the charge of deceiving the sovereign。这是极具中国特色的短语,采用解释其内涵的方法,on the charge of这个短语是“以……之罪”的意思,而“欺君”就是欺瞒最高统治者,因此翻成On the charge of deceiving the sovereign。
2.等到第三个楚王上台,执著的卞和又将璞玉献上,这回楚王命人剖开石头,一块宝玉出现在楚国君臣面前。When the third king came to the throne, the undaunted Bian He again presented the uncut jade to him. Whereupon, the king had the stone cut open, and there, on display before the king and his ministers, was a gem-stone!
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    原文同样是个长句,需要从中断开成两个独立句子分S,J来翻译。其中“楚王上台”即是“登上王位”之意,因此翻成came to the throne。最后一个分句“一块宝玉出现在楚国君臣面前”也可采用倒装手法进行翻译,用来强调gem-stone这块宝玉。
3.卞和洗清了欺君之罪,他所献的宝玉被雕成了象征最高权力的玉璧。后人为了纪念卞和,就叫它和氏璧。Bian He was cleared of the charge previously imposed on him, and the precious stone was fashioned into a bi, an object symbolizing the supreme power, which later generations called He Bi to cherish the memory of Bian He.
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此处用了合并句子的手法,将原文中的两个句子合并成一个复合句。在翻译“卞和洗清了欺君之罪”时要加上短语impose on以表示其性质。其中,“玉璧”是一件中国传统物件,在英文中无法找到直接对应物,因此只能直接音译为bi。
4.在中国原始社会的新石器时代,玉是通灵的神器。Jade was regarded as a divine object in the New Stone Age in China’s primitive society.
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