But each time you recover that hallowed self-esteem, you renew a fight to maintain it. Each time you go to a job interview and g

admin2016-09-27  32

问题 But each time you recover that hallowed self-esteem, you renew a fight to maintain it. Each time you go to a job interview and give them your best and they hire someone else, you go another round with yourself and your self-esteem. Your unemployment seems to drag on beyond all justification. You start to glimpse a stranger in your rearview mirror. The stranger suddenly looks like a bum. You look at her with clinical curiosity. Hmmm. Obviously into the chronic stages, definitely not employable.
We unemployed share a social stigma similar to that of the rape victim. Whether consciously or subconsciously, much of the work-ethic-driven public feels that you have somehow "asked for it, " secretly wanted to lose your job and "flirted" with unemployment through your attitude.(127 words)(30 points)
-------From How it feels to be out of work?


答案 但是每次你刚缓回你那受尊敬的自尊心,就又投入下一场捍卫它的战斗中。每次你参加求职面试,展现出了你最好的一面,而他们雇了别人,你和你的自尊心就又要来一回翻江倒海了。你的失业好像没理由拖得这么久。你开始瞅着后视镜中的陌生人,那个陌生人看起来就像一个无业游民。你用外科医生的好奇心看着她,嗯,很明显,她已经进入慢性期了,肯定是没有工作的人。 我们失业的人与强奸受害者一样是社会的耻辱。不管是有意识还是下意识,许多备受工作道德熏陶的人们通过你的态度会感觉到,是你“自找麻烦”,是你偷偷地想丢掉工作,然后“把失业当成闹着玩儿”。

