
admin2014-08-05  83

问题     我今天的发言题目是:“基督教在西方民主政治发展中的作用”。我认为:西方民主政治是在自身文化的历史进程中形成和发展的,其中宗教,特别是基督教始终起着独特的复杂的作用。作为官方意识形态的基督教教义,整体上并不是革命的,但这并不排斥其关于平等和法治的一些教义曾经起到的积极作用。它在经过民主革命者改造和利用以后,有利于鼓舞人们推翻封建专制的暴政,捍卫人民的自由权利。而且,在现代推进民主事业的过程中,基督教的不同派别,包括天主教、东正教和新教所起的作用并不相同。西方国家在宗教和政治文化上的差别,对于其民主进程也有相当的关联作用。


答案The topic of my presentation today is " The Role of Christianity in the Development of Western Democratic Politics". As far as I am concerned, western democratic politics forms and develops in its historical course of its own culture, among which, religion, especially Christianity has always played a unique and complicated role. Though the Christian doctrines, as official ideology, are not revolutionary on the whole, some of them advocating equality and the rule of law still managed to play a positive role. These doctrines, after being reformed and utilized by democratic revolutionar ists, were conducive to encouraging people to overthrow feudal tyranny and guard their liberty. Besides, the various Christian sects, including Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox Church and Protestantism , functioned diversely in promoting the course of democracy in modern times. The differences in religion and political culture among western countries also correlated with their cause of democracy.

