作为远古人类留给我们的宝贵的文化遗产,岩画堪称是记载人类早期社会生活的百科全书,它不仅传承着源远流长的古代文明,也是史前人类文化、宗教、民俗以及原始艺术史的见证。 在世界上,中国岩画是诞生最早、分布最广、内容最丰富的国家之一,而贺兰山又是华夏土地上

admin2013-05-09  45

问题     作为远古人类留给我们的宝贵的文化遗产,岩画堪称是记载人类早期社会生活的百科全书,它不仅传承着源远流长的古代文明,也是史前人类文化、宗教、民俗以及原始艺术史的见证。


答案 Rock painting, precious cultural heritage left to us by ancient people, can be said to be an enclyclopedia recording the early life of mankind. It not only passes on the ancient cilivalizaiton but also witnesses the culture, religion, customs and history of primitive/pristine art of prehistoric people. In the world, China is one of the countries where rock art boasts the longest history, the broadest distribution, and the richest content. Mount Helan is one of the sites where rock-carvings are well-known for its widest range of themes, the highest concentration, and the best preservation in China. In the central Mount Helan, more than 20 relic sties of preserved rock paintings have been unveiled, and the rock painting at the mouth of the Mount Helan are the the most representative ones. There are about 6,000 rock-paintings on the rock outside and inside the mouth of Mount Helan, among which the rare rock-paintings of human faces reach over 70. According to the research, the pictures were ingraved in different times, most of them created by northern nomadic nation. The rock art is rough and plain in shape and simple and natural in composition; the animals seemed alive, such as ox, horses, donkeys, deer, birds and tigers, and human heads differ each other in shapes and sizes. Our ancestors faithfully recorded their own feelings and experiences on the rocks on the basis of their understanding of the then reality and their aspirations for a beautiful life. Meanwhile, they left to their later generations mysterious and resplendent rock art. While some scholars said them mouth of Mount Helan was served as a sacred worship place by prehistoric humanity due to its natural charm, other scholars believed that rock paintings in Mount Helan were graphic characters, which appeared before pictographs. At that time when writing was not invented, people here tried hard to express their dreams, wishes, joy and sorrow. In this way, the prehistoric “divine book” was carved on the lasting Mount Helan.

