
admin2022-07-28  142

问题 “一带一路”是指21世纪的丝绸之路经济带和海上丝绸之路。丝绸之路是促进地区间贸易和交流的策略。这将有助于促进区域发展和连通性。这一战略的实施,可能会被证明是一个宝贵的机会,让中国磨练自己的技能,以创造性地发挥全球超级大国的主导作用。这个大举措的精神和原则展示了中国将如何采用特色鲜明的方式发挥全球领导作用。作为地理、经济和政治中的一个新内涵,“一带一路”倡议更是吸引了世界的关注。


答案The "One Belt and One Road" refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century. The Silk Road concept is a strategy for promoting trade and communications in the region. It would help to promote regional development and connectivity. The implementation of such a strategy could prove to be a precious chance for China to hone its skills to play a leading role creatively as a global super power. The spirit and principles for this grand initiative reveal how China could play a global leadership role in a strikingly distinct way. As a fresh connotation in geography, economy and politics, the "One Belt and One Road" initiative is attracting the world’s attention.

