下面你将听到的是一段在英中贸协年会上的讲话。 女士们、先生们: 我非常高兴能利用英中贸协年会的机会向英国工商界朋友们致以诚挚的问候。多年来,英中贸协一直关心和支持中英关系发展,是堪称两国友好交流的桥梁和互利合作的纽带。在此,我谨对英中贸协及诸位长期

admin2013-12-08  39

问题 下面你将听到的是一段在英中贸协年会上的讲话。


答案 I am delighted to have the opportunity of this annual meeting of the British-Chinese Trade Association to convey my cordial greetings to friends from the British business community. Over the years, the Association has been active in supporting the development of Sino-British relations and has served as a bridge of friendly exchanges and a bond of mutually-beneficial cooperation. Hereby, I wish to express my warm congratulations on the convocation of the meeting and my sincere thanks to the Association and all the friends present here for your unremitting efforts and the outstanding contribution you have made in promoting Sino-British economic cooperation and trade. Since the 16th National Party Congress, we have continued to take economic development as our central task and press ahead with reform and opening-up. We have been making steady progress in all our endeavors. Unfortunately, however, the epidemic of SARS struck parts of China all of a sudden. As it is a new type of disease and the humanity has not yet had full knowledge of it, there will be some time before we can effectively control and eventually eradicate the epidemic. The Chinese government is a highly responsible government. It has all along prioritized the health and safety of its people in its governance. Since the outbreak of the disease, we have taken a series of resolute measures to improve the mechanisms for emergency handling and social relief. We have launched throughout the country a decisive battle against SARS by relying on science and on our people. We know the task is enormously challenging, but we have the conviction to win the battle. In the battle against SARS, the Chinese people have won sympathy and support worldwide. Not long ago, the British government decided to render five million US dollars worth of assistance to China. This is an embodiment of the deep friendship between our two peoples. We have a saying in China: "True friendship is seen in times of adversity" and in English "A friend in need is a friend indeed". The friendly gestures of the British side have been highly acclaimed and appreciated by the Chinese people. Britain boasts advanced medical science and technology, strong R&D capabilities and ample useful experience in the prevention and treatment of communicable diseases. We would like to enter into cooperation with you in this regard to learn from your strong points. The Chinese nation is a nation with the strength of fighting and advancing in adversities, and the Chinese government is a government that has the courage to face up to difficulties. We are deeply convinced that the Chinese people, with the support of the international community and the unyielding efforts of their own, will surely dispel the dark clouds of the epidemic and embrace greater prosperity and development.

解析     本文是在英中贸协年会上的讲话,主要关于中国抗击“非典”疫情的情况。
