There is No Way but Ahead Yes, science has helped create problems, too—serious ones. And we must labor to solve them—in the o

admin2014-04-28  32

问题                       There is No Way but Ahead
   Yes, science has helped create problems, too—serious ones. And we must labor to solve them—in the only way history tells us problems have been solved: by science. If we were to turn away now, if a noble young generation abandoned the materialism of an industry, what would happen? Without the machinery of that industry, we would inevitably drift back to slavery.
   No fundamental technological advance has ever been given up willingly by any society. There has been no way to do it.
   About 8,000 B. C. mankind invented agriculture. Again it made possible an increase in numbers. People had never eaten so well, but it meant they had to give up the free, nomadic life and remain bound to the soil. It meant hard labor. It meant banding together to fight off surrounding tribes who, still food gathering, might help themselves to your crops. It also meant the risk of crop failure.
   Why not, then go back to the wilder, freer ways of hunting and food gathering.’? Wouldn’t that mean less work and worry, less wars, less plagues?


答案 只有前进,别无他路 不错,科学也带来了许多问题,而且有些很严重。我们必须花大力气才能解决它们,而惟一解决问题的方法正是历史教导我们去做的,即依靠科学。如果我们现在逃避,如果高尚的年轻一代抛弃工业社会的物质主义,那将会发生什么呢?没有工业社会的机械化,我们不可避免地会回到奴隶制去。 没有哪个社会主动放弃过什么重要的科学成果,因为这无法办到。 大约公元前8,000年,人类发明了农业,这再一次使人口得以增加,而且人们吃得比任何时候都好。然而这也意味着他们必须放弃自由的游牧生活,一辈子被束缚在土地上;意味着辛苦劳作,意味着联合起来击退临近的部落。这些部落仍四处采集食物,可能会抢走你们的庄稼;这还意味着要为庄稼收成不好而担当风险。 那么为什么不回到以狩猎和采集食物为主的更为自由的野性生活中去呢?那样不是可以少劳作、少忧愁、少发生战争和瘟疫吗?

