Online Job Search Doing a job search online is one of the easiest ways to find out what sectors are offering employment, and

admin2018-08-12  42

问题     Online Job Search
    Doing a job search online is one of the easiest ways to find out what sectors are offering employment, and where you could find yourself a new career. You can look for jobs all over the world, as opposed to just your own neighborhood and surroundings.
    Having a few tools and tips to help you get the most out of your Internet job search could save you a lot of time , not to mention heartache when your effort ends up in a failure, as there are plenty of swindlers crawling around in outer web space these days. Here are some Top Tips for an Online Job Search
    1. Choose only Reputable Sites
    Because there are so many cheaters on the Internet attempting to make a quick buck out of hard working people trying to make a living, it is more important than ever that you check which sites you log onto and which job listing sites you load a profile onto. Reputable employment sites provide good quality links and leads, as they are affiliated to employment agencies, and will help put you in the right direction. Don’t give out any personal details unless you are 100% sure that you are dealing with a real company.
    2. Employment through Social Networking
    Social networking has literally changed the way we live, communicate and explore the world around us. More and more people are turning to Facebook and Twitter for real time information and networking. Load up a profile on Twitter or Facebook and connect with companies through self-promotion and get noticed whilst looking for jobs.
    3. Freelancers and Contractors: Your Own Website
    This one could be a little tricky if you are working for one company and looking for alternative employment through your own website. If you are a freelancer or contractor a website is a must. An online portfolio can introduce some of your recent work, feedback from clients, prices of services provided, and a good section on what exactly you offer a potential client. Whether you are a programmer, visual artist, writer, baker, this option will be perfect for you. Just keep the website current and up to date, as it can be very off-putting if the information is a few months out of date.
    4. Email Alerts
    You can set up a number of email alerts with job sites all over the Internet, without divulging any of your private information. Search engines will scan the traffic of posted jobs, and send you an alert in your email box so that you may link directly to the job listings. This will save you lots of time, and who knows, you could find your dream job, when it just pops into your inbox.
    5. The Cover Letter
    Your cover letter to your CV is essentially your shop window; it may be your one and only chance to make a solid impression to get the employer to actually read the rest of the way through your CV.
    If your cover letter has too much detail, is too vague and is just a boring summary of your talents and how much you like riding your motorbike on weekends, chances are the CV is just going to end up neglected. Get a professional company in to write you a reliable cover letter and clean up your CV, it could make the difference you have been waiting for.


答案 网上求职 网上找工作是最简便的途径之一,可以知道哪个行业在招聘,以及可以在哪里找到新工作。可以在世界范围内寻找就业机会,而不仅仅在周边邻近地区找工作。 利用一些工具和窍门,你可以在网上有更多收获,同时节省很多时间,还能够避免所有的努力都付诸东流、徒增悲伤,如今现实中潜伏的骗子太多了。 以下是有助于网上求职的几则重要建议 1.只选择信誉好的网站 网上有很多骗子,他们总是希望从辛苦工作、赚钱谋生的人们身上牟取不义之财,一夜暴富,所以核实登录的网站和上传资料的求职网站,这一点很重要。有信誉的求职网站隶属于职业介绍所,能够提供可靠的链接和线索,帮你找准方向。一定要100%确定对方是一个真实存在的公司,否则不要轻易透露个人信息。 2.通过社交网络求职 事实上,社交网络已经改变了我们生活、交流和探索周围世界的方式。越来越多的人开始使用脸书和推特来获得实时信息,进行人际交往。找工作时,不妨将个人资料上传到推特或脸书,并通过自我推销与企业取得联系,最终获得关注。 3.自由职业者和合同工:建立自己的网站 如果你已经是某公司的员工,又想通过个人网站找其他工作,这个方法可能会有点麻烦。如果你是自由职业者或合同工,那么建立个人网站则是必需的。可以将个人作品集上传至网上,介绍你近期的工作,客户的反馈意见,服务收费标准,同时加上一个板块,说明你能够为潜在客户带来的收益。不论你是程序员、视觉艺术家、作家还是面包师,这种方法无疑是最适合的选择。你要经常更新自己的网站,因为如果你的信息是几个月以前的,会给对方不好的感受。4.电子邮件提醒你可以对网上的求职网站设定多个电子邮件提醒,这并不会泄露你的个人信息。搜索引擎会扫描发布工作岗位的浏览量,给你的邮箱发送提醒,你可以直接链接到招聘广告。这可节省你很多时间,说不准,收件箱的一个提醒,带来的就是你梦寐以求的工作。 5.求职信 附有简历的求职信实际上就是你的展销橱窗;也可能是你给雇主留下深刻印象、促使对方把简历看完的唯一机会。 如果你的求职信过于详细,或是太不具体,或只是无趣地总结了你的才能以及你如何喜欢周末骑摩托车等,那么你的简历很可能最终无人问津。找一家专业公司,帮你写封靠谱的求职信,再把你的简历理顺,会给你带来不一样的效果。

