Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may tak

admin2019-09-22  66

问题    Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear each passage only once. Now, let’s begin.
The knowledge created by academic science is by no means the only important contribution that universities make to the welfare of their societies. By educating students and by preparing them well for services across a wide range of occupations and professions, universities contribute as much through their teaching as they contribute through their research.
   The increase in the number of well-trained engineers here in China has been staggering. Providing students with the required skills to obtain jobs is important, and I know it is the top priority here in China, too. But I want to talk about a more profound objective of university education, not about training people for a specific vocation, but rather about educating students to be creative, flexible, and adaptive problem-solvers, capable of innovation and leadership. The world we live in is fast-paced and constantly changing. In such a world, knowledge of a given body of information is not enough to survive, much less thrive. Scientists, business leaders and government officials must have the ability to think critically and creatively, and to draw upon and adapt ideas to new environments.
   Education institutions are committed to "general education" for undergraduates. The premise underlying the philosophy of general education is that students will be best prepared for life if they can assimilate new information and reason through to new conclusions. Since any particular body of knowledge is bound to become obsolete, the object of general education is not to convey any particular content, but rather to develop certain qualities of mind; the ability to think independently, to regard the world with curiosity and ask interesting questions, to subject the world to sustained and rigorous analysis, to use the perspectives of more than one discipline, and to arrive at fresh, creative answers. Society gains most from such an education that enables students to reason, to think creatively, and to respond adaptively.
   The seminar is a fundamental part of most undergraduate and graduate programs at many top universities. The purpose of a small seminar is to challenge students to articulate their views and defend them in the face of classmates and the professor, who may disagree with them. This forces them to reason through issues and to think critically for themselves, not just repeat what a professor has told them or what they have read. Often, these seminar courses are accompanied by in-depth research and writing assignments, and students are required to engage in independent study and write a paper articulating and defending their own conclusions.
   Professors also encourage students’ critical thinking through writing assignments and examination questions they ask. Exams emphasize analysis and problem solving rather than description and memory. Many exam questions in our colleges don’t have a correct answer; they are designed to see how well a student can draw upon the facts and theoretical explanations at their disposal to give a convincing argument of their own.
   This emphasis on critical thinking produces graduates who are intellectually flexible and open to new ideas with curiosity and capacity to adapt to ever-changing work environments. In business, they can convert new knowledge into new products and services, and in government, they can find innovative solutions to new challenges. In a word, universities strengthen their society’s capacity to innovate by educating students to be capable of flexible, adaptive and creative responses to changing conditions. Innovation is a main theme in the world today and it is through our educational activities that we can contribute to a nation’s capacity to innovate.


答案 通过科研创造知识绝不是大学对社会福祉所做的唯一重要贡献。大学教育学生,赋予他们胜任各行各业的工作能力,这种通过教学所做的贡献与通过科研所做的贡献同等重要。 在中国,训练有素的工程师人数在迅猛增加。培养学生具备求职的技能十分重要,据我所知,这一点在当今中国也是重中之重。但我想谈谈更具深远意义的大学教育目标,不拘于具体职业的培训,而是如何培养学生的创造性、灵活性和适应性,使他们成为具有解决问题的能力、创新能力和领导能力的人。当今世界日新月异。在这样一个世界上,只了解某一特定领域的知识是难以生存的,更不用说发展了。科学家、企业家和政府官员必须具有批判性和创造性思维的能力,并具有吸收新理念、并能在新形势下加以灵活运用的本领。 在本科生阶段,大学都致力于“通识教育”。主张通识教育的理论依据是,学生通过吸收新的信息,并通过思考得出新的结论,从而为他们的一生打下良好的基础。由于任何特定知识都会过时,所以通识教育的目的并不是要传授具体的专业知识,而是要培养学生的动脑能力,即独立思考,对世界充满好奇,提出有意义的问题,不断缜密地研究,以跨学科的视角分析世界,找到新的、具有创造性的答案。社会将从这种教育模式中获益良多,因为它能够培养学生的推理、创造性思维和灵活应变的能力。 如今,研讨班已成为许多顶尖大学大多数本科生和研究生课程的基本形式。小型研讨班的目的是要求学生在同学和教授面前清晰地陈述自己的想法,并在有不同意见时为自己的观点辩护。这就会迫使他们对问题进行批判性思考,而不只是重复教授说过的话或自己读过的知识内容。通常,这些研讨班课程包括深入研究和书面作业等内容,要求学生独立学习,撰写论文,陈述自己的观点并为自己得出的结论进行答辩。 教授通过给学生留书面作业和设置考题鼓励学生进行批判性思考,主要考学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,而不是他们的描述和记忆能力。我们大学的许多考题其实并没有标准答案,试题的设计思路是要考查学生能否利用他们掌握的事实和理论提出有说服力的观点。 重视批判性思维有利于培养出思维灵活、乐于接受新观点、充满好奇心、能够适应工作环境变化的毕业生。如果这样的学生从事工商业,就能够利用新知识开发出新的产品和新的服务;如果从政,就会用创新思路来应对新的挑战。总而言之,大学通过培养具有灵活性、适应性和创造性的学生来应对不断变化的社会,从而增强了整个社会的创新能力。创新是当今世界的一个主题,我们正是通过教育活动来提升国家的创新能力。

