⑴ 当前,世界经济出现向好势头,有关国际组织预计,今年世界经济有望增长3.5%。⑵ 这是近年来最好的经济形势。⑶ 有这样的局面,同二十国集团的努力分不开。⑷ 同时,世界经济中的深层次问题尚未解决,仍然面临诸多不稳定不确定因素。 ⑸ 面对挑战,杭州峰

admin2022-08-09  21

问题     ⑴ 当前,世界经济出现向好势头,有关国际组织预计,今年世界经济有望增长3.5%。⑵ 这是近年来最好的经济形势。⑶ 有这样的局面,同二十国集团的努力分不开。⑷ 同时,世界经济中的深层次问题尚未解决,仍然面临诸多不稳定不确定因素。
    ⑸ 面对挑战,杭州峰会提出了二十国集团方案:建设创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济。⑹ 我们要坚持建设开放型世界经济大方向。⑺ 这是二十国集团应对国际金融危机的重要经验,也是推动世界经济增长的重要路径。⑻ 国际组织当前调高世界经济增长预期,一个重要原因就是预计国际贸易增长2.4%、全球投资增加5%。⑼ 我们要坚持走开放发展、互利共赢之路,共同做大世界经济的蛋糕。⑽ 作为世界主要经济体,我们应该也能够发挥领导作用,支持多边贸易体制,按照共同制定的规则办事. 通过协商为应对共同挑战找到共赢的解决方案。
    ⑾ 德国谚语说,一个人的努力是加法,一个团队的努力是乘法。⑿ 让我们携手合作,推动联动增长,促进共同繁荣,不断向着构建人类命运共同体的目标迈进!


答案 ⑴ The global economy is showing signs of moving in the right direction. The related international organizations forecast that it will grow by 3.5 percent this year, ⑵ the best performance that we have seen in several years. ⑶ This would not be possible without the efforts of the G20.⑷ On the other hand, the global economy is still plagued by deep-seated problems and faces many uncertainties and destabilizing factors. ⑸ Facing such challenges, the G20 agreed in Hangzhou on the path forward: building an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy. ⑹ We should stay committed to building an open global economy. ⑺ This commitment of the G20 to build open economies saw us through the global financial crisis, and this commitment is vital to reenergizing the global economy. ⑻ Various international organizations have revised upward forecast for this year’s global growth, mainly because of a projected 2.4 percent growth for global trade and 5 percent growth for global investment. ⑼ We must remain committed to openness and mutual benefit for all so as to increase the size of the global economic "pie". ⑽ As the world’s major economies, we should and must lead the way, support the multilateral trading system, observe the jointly established rules and, through consultation, seek all-win solutions to common challenges we face. ⑾ A German saying goes to the effect that, "Those who work alone, add; those who work together, multiply." ⑿ In this spirit, let us work together to promote interconnected growth for shared prosperity and build toward a global community with a shared future.

解析     1.⑴句“出现向好势头”可译为show signs of moving in the right direction或show positive momentum。“有望”可表达为be expected to、be poised to、sb. can hopefully do sth. 或there is a hope for sb. to do sth.。
    2.⑷句“世界经济中的深层次问题尚未解决”中的“尚未解决”除了可以像参考译文一样表达为be still plagued by…之外,还可以译为be still under dispute、be not resolved as yet、remain unsettled。
    3.⑹句“坚持……大方向”是中文演说文本的常见表达,翻译时,像“大方向”这种虚化且实际意义不大的抽象名词可省略。若考生担心遗漏信息造成失分,也可译为stick to the major course of…cling to the primar aim of…。
    4.⑺句开头的“这”指代前句“坚持……大方向”的做法,翻译时,可考虑补充完整代指,译为This commitment of the G20 to build open economies,并且活用see sb. through sth.“帮助某人度过某个难关”的这个固定搭配,以转换视角的方式来表达“……是某人应对某危机的重要经验”这一含义。
