I see a very clear link here between British science, the development of British universities and the technological revolution.

admin2014-01-11  36

问题     I see a very clear link here between British science, the development of British universities and the technological revolution. A couple of weeks ago, I had a presentation at Downing Street from some of our leading scientists. It covered fields such as nanotechnology, brain transmitters and the latest in IT. The potential in all cases was immense, for industrial production, medicine and communications. The connection between top quality scientific research and business spin-offs and development was obvious. And in the end, of course, it is business managers or public service reformers that will apply the technology in new ways.
   The point I am making is this. Part of winning this IT battle for the future is to create a culture in which the worlds of education, academia, science, technology and business are engaged in a perpetual conversation and exchange of views. A conversation in which we are breaking new ground in scientific and technological advance, in which our schools and universities feel comfortable with its potential; in which business and society are naturally looking for ways of applying the advances made.
   There are now 600 million people online. Worldwide 140,000 more people connect to the net every day. In the last three decades the price of a transatlantic phone call has fallen to a small fraction of its original level. In the same period, just as Intel’s Gordon Moore predicted, computing power has doubled every eighteen months to two years. A 3G handset, soon to be on sale in every high street in the UK, has around 20,000 times more computing power than the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
   Recently, we witnessed an incredible moment when scientists at MIT in the US and UCL in London teamed up to pull off the first transatlantic virtual handshake. Using second-generation Internet technology, they recreated the sense of touch over a 3,000-mile distance — a remarkable development that could have applications for areas as diverse as medicine and design.


答案 我认为,英国的科学发展、英国大学的发展与技术革命有着十分明显的联系。几周前,我在唐宁街听取了几位顶尖科学家的报告。报告的内容涉及了诸如纳米技术、大脑传输技术以及IT业的最新动态。这些领域对于工业生产、医药和通讯有着巨大的潜在价值。高质量的科学研究与商业副产品及其开发之间的联系显而易见。当然,最终还是将由商界的经理或是公共服务业的改革者们以崭新的方式应用技术。 我在此想指出的是,打赢未来信息战的关键部分在于构建一种文化,使得教育、学术、科学技术以及商界能够共同参与长久的对话和交流。在此种对话中间,我们可以在科学技术的发展中不断创新,大中学校则可得益其潜在效益,商界及社会可自然地寻找开发利用这些新发展的途径。 现有六亿人在线,全球还有14万人每天都上网。在过去的三十年中,跨越大西洋电话的价格已降为原来价格的零头。而与此同时,正如英特尔的戈登•摩尔预测,电脑的运算能力每18月到每两年便提高一倍。即将在英国各大街道出售的第三代手机的运算能力比阿波罗11号宇宙飞船还要强出两万倍。 最近,我们见证了一个令人难以置信的时刻。美国的麻省理工学院(MIT)和伦敦的伦敦大学学院(UCL)合作实现了首次跨越大西洋的虚拟握手。他们使用第二代因特网技术在距离超过三千英里之遥再现了触觉。这是一项可能会应用于包括医药、设计在内的广泛领域的非凡成就.

解析    本文强调当今世界对话与交流的重要性。科学发展、大学发展、技术革命密切联系;教育、学术、科学技术、商业界需要进行对话,相互促进;网络技术的发展推动了这些交流和对话。
   1.Downing Street    唐宁街
   2.nano-technology    纳米技术
   3.brain transmitters    大脑传输技术
   4.MIT    麻省理工学院
   5.UCL    伦敦大学学院
1.I see a very clear link here between British science, the development of British universities and the technological revolution.
   原文中的句子主干是:1)(主语)I+(谓语)see+(宾语)a link;2)between science, the development of British universities and the technological revolution,介词短语解释说明link。在说明几者之间的联系时,英语一般用“a link between ... and ...”,汉语一般用“有着(存在)……联系”。
2.And in the end, of course, it is business managers or public service reformers that will apply the technology in new ways.
   原句是一个强调句,(主语) business managers or public service reformers是被强调的成分;“it is... that...”是强调结构,没有实际意义,可以省略不译;in new ways是方式状语,在翻译时,需要改变句序,移至主语和谓语之间。
3.Part of winning this IT battle for the future is to create a culture in which the worlds of education, academia, science, technology and business are engaged in a perpetual conversation and exchange of views.
   原句句子结构分析如下:1)句子主干是(主语) part of winning this IT battle for the future+(谓语)is+(表语)to create a culture;翻译时,主语中的介词短语for the future应该移至IT battle之前;2)in which引导的定语从句修饰先行词culture,翻译时,运用汉语使动词“使得”连接主从句。
4.A 3G handset, soon to be on sale in every high street in the UK, has around 20,000 times more computing power than the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
   原句句子结构分析如下;1)(主语)a 3G handset+(谓语)has+(宾语)more computing power;2)soon to be on sale in every high street in the UK,非谓语动词短语,修饰主语。翻译时,应该提前到主语前面,充当主语的前置修饰语。
5.Recently, we witnessed an incredible moment when scientists at MIT in the US and UCL in London teamed up to pull off the first transatlantic virtual handshake.
   原句句子结构分析如下:1)(主语)we+(谓语)witnessed+(宾语)an incredible moment;2)when引导时间状语从句,从句结构为:(主语)scientists+ (谓语)teamed up;翻译时,可以将主从句切分为两个独立的句子。
   1.presentation              报告
   2.industrial production     工业生产
   3.business spin-offs        商业副产品
   4.perpetual conversation    长久对话
   5.exchange of views         交流
   6.small fraction            零头
   7.computing power           运算能力
   8.be on sale                出售
   9.second-generation         第二代
   10.sense of touch           触觉
