
admin2017-10-18  25

问题     尽管电子阅读器(e-reader)市场用户在中国基础庞大、潜力非凡,但由于中国的电子阅读(e-reading)趋势具有强烈的“中国特色”,外资企业对中国市场望而却步。首先,目前中国电子书市场的主要驱动力是数量庞大的手机用户。中国共有7900万电子书读者,其中6.3%通过手机阅读,仅0.3%使用专门的(dedicated)电子阅读设备。其次,中国消费者不愿意为电子书付费,且阅读的主要目的是娱乐。可见,不同于美国的电子书读者,中国的电子书读者并不是转投新媒介的传统购书者。


答案 Although China’s e-reader market possesses a large user base and great potential, it scares off foreign companies due to the strong Chinese characteristics in the e-reading trends. Firstly, at present it is the large number of mobile phone users that drive the development of this market. Among a total of 79 million Chinese who read e-books, 6.3 percent read on mobile phones and only 0.3 percent on dedicated electronic reading devices. Secondly, Chinese consumers are not willing to pay for the e-books and they mainly just read for fun. It is thus clear that, different from their American counterparts, China’s e-book readers are not traditional paper book buyers switching to a new medium.

解析 1.首句较长,后两个分句为同一意群,与第一个分句含有转折关系,本句可有几种处理方法。第一,处理为主从复合句,将第一分句处理为although引导的从句,“外资企业对中国市场望而却步”处理为主句,“由于……‘中国特色”’则处理为主句附带的原因状语从句,用as引导。第二,处理成but连接的并列句;或两个独立的句子,用表转折的连词(but,however等)连接。第三,将第一个分句处理为despite引导的状语,置于句首,“电子阅读器……潜力非凡”处理为名词短语,译为despite a large user base and great potential of China’s e-reader market。
2.首句中的“望而却步”是翻译难点,翻译这类四字成语时,只需将其意思用通俗易懂的语言表达出来即可。“对中国市场望而却步”可理解意为“不敢进入中国市场”,故可译为be afraid to enter the China’s market;或理解为“中国市场吓走了……”,即the China’s market scares off…。
3.第二句强调推动电子书阅读市场的是数量庞大的手机用户,因此在翻译时应采用强调句式it is…that…,对the large number of mobile phone users进行强调。
4.末句将中国电子书读者和美国电子书读者进行了比较。句中两次出现“电子书读者”,为了避免重复,将“美国电子书读者”译成American counterparts(相似或相对应的人或物)。“可见”译成it is clear that…。定语“转投新媒介”含有动作“转投”,故处理为现在分词短语switching to…,作后置定语修饰traditional book buyers。
